CRA Bulletin
November 30, 1999

RE:  Intellectual Property Issues

The following list is drawn from a survey of books on intellectual property and the digital era in Lingua Franca (July/August 1999, Vol. 9, No. 5).  The CRA staff has not read these works so this is not an endorsement.  We thought that you might appreciate the citations since many of you are interested in intellectual property issues.

William P. Alford, To Steal a Book Is an Elegant Offense: Intellectual Property Law in Chinese Civilization (Stanford, 1995).

Ronald V. Bettig, Copyrighting Culture: The Political Economy of Intellectual Property (Westview, 1996).

Paulina Borsook, Cyberselfish: Technolibertarians and the True Revenge of the Nerds (PublicAffairs, forthcoming).

Rosemary Coombe, The Cultural Life of Intellectual Properties: Authorship, Appropriation, and the Law (Duke, 1998).

David Kline, Rembrandts in the Attic: Unlocking the Hidden Value of Patents (Harvard Business School, forthcoming).

Derek Leebaert, The Future of the Electronic Marketplace (MIT, 1998).

Lawrence Lessig, Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace (Basic, forthcoming).

Mark Rose, Authors and Owners: The Invention of Copyright (Harvard, 1993).

Michael P. Ryan, Knowledge Diplomacy: Global Competition and the Politics of Intellectual Property (Brookings Institution, 1998).

Dan Schiller, Digital Capitalism (MIT, 1999).

Susan K. Sell, Power and Ideas: North-South Politics of Intellectual Property and Antitrust (SUNY, 1998).

Andrew L. Shapiro, The Control Revolution: How New Technology is Putting Individuals in Charge and Changing the World We Know (PublicAffairs, 1999).

Carl Shapiro and Hal R. Varian, Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy (Harvard Business School, 1999).

Vandana Shiva, Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge (South End, 1997).

Seth Shulman, Owning the Future: Inside the Battles to Control the New Assets--Genes, Software, Databases, and Technological Know-How--That Make Up the Lifeblood of the New Economy (Houghton Mifflin, 1999).


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