My dream airline
- On long hauls: Schedule night flights with beds, perhaps stacked two or three high, in the style of Japanese cubbyhole hotels. No movies, no noise, no food, just let me sleep.
- Booze: Free, unlimited, anytime, anywhere.
- A friendly staff. Ever flown Singapore or Thai Airlines? North American carriers do not even begin to understand the word "service".
- No frequent flier plans, please. They are targeting the rich business crowd, and leave ordinary citizens even more frustrated than ever.
- No in-flight phones, gizmos, electronic games. Just keep it simple, and smile.
- Big screen help with maps and airplane cameras looking down that tell me the names of all the cities, rivers, states, mountains, and so on, just like in an atlas. So that we can learn while we fly over all those gorgeous places. I would not mind if that replaced the second rate movies that are shown on most flights nowadays.
- At the airport: free wireless connections and free terminals to connect to the internet.
- Waiting areas: chairs with tables to work on. We are asked to show up 2 to 3 hours before each flight, so please allow us to use our time productively. I have a hard time writing with a pad on my knees in a plastic chair.
- Luggage: Increase the allowance beyond the international agreements, and make it a selling point. No surcharges for bicycles.