TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Sat Jul 20 15:02:31 EDT 2024






Dmitriy Horoshkin's Library

Dmitriy Horoshkin's library of Rusian books on type and typography include these downloadable texts:

  • Album of written and printed fonts, M.A. Netyksa, 1906
  • Font album of Zemsky typography, Simferopol, 1904-1910
  • Bibliography of Russian typographic fonts, V.Ya. Adaryukov, 1924
  • Bibliography of Russian typographic fonts, V.Ya. Adaryukov, 1924 (electronic book) Rab-book
  • The Art of the Book, A.A. Sidorov, 1922
  • The history of Russian ornament. Museum of the Stroganov School, 1868
  • Font file according to GOST-1947, VNITO Polygraphy and Publishing.
  • Book Proof, N.N. Filippov, 1929
  • Book font, M.V. Bolshakov, 1964
  • Brief information on printing business, P. Kolomnin, 1899
  • Typeface, T.I. Kutsyn, 1950
  • New Russian font V.Mashin, 1906
  • Model fonts of the Military Printing House, 1821
  • Samples of the writings of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1862
  • Samples of Slavic-Russian printing from 1491, 1891
  • Samples of the foundry of I. Shcherbakov in St. Petersburg, 1881
  • Samples of text machine fonts of the linotype, Leningrad, 1938
  • Samples of artistic fonts and frames, A.A. Kotlyarov, 1929
  • Piusa Bauer in Warsaw, 1888
  • Font samples (Printing and Bookbinding) Yu.A. Mansfeld, 1904
  • Font samples of the 4th printing house named after E. Sokolova, 1956
  • Font samples, General Staff of the Red Army, 1937
  • Font Samples, Graphic Workshops at Academic Publishing House, 1923
  • Samples of fonts and frames for drawings and plans, A.D. Demkin, 1924
  • Types of fonts and decorations of the printing house of I. Wilborg, B.G.
  • Samples of IAN fonts - "Our Father" and other texts in 325 languages and dialects, 1870
  • Font samples of the St. Petersburg Synodal Printing House, 1902
  • Types of typographic lithography fonts of the Siberian T-v Printing, bg
  • Samples of fonts of A.Transhel's printing house, 1876
  • Samples of fonts of the printing house of the Astrakhan provincial government, 1886
  • Samples of fonts of the printing house of the Moscow Union of Mozhaisk PEC, 1926
  • Samples of fonts of the Printing house of the Central Union, bg
  • Book Design - A Guide to the Preparation of a Manuscript for Printing, L.I. Hessen, 1935
  • Design of the Soviet book, G.G. Guillo, D.V. Konstantinov, 1939
  • Printing ornament B.1, Glagol, 1991
  • Printing ornament B.2, Verb, 1991
  • Font construction, Ya.G. Chernikhov N.A. Sobolev, 2005
  • Guide to the study of ribbon (Rondo) font, A.I. Pechinsky, 1917
  • Russian typographic font. Issues of history and application practice, A.G. Shitsgal, 1974
  • Tutorial of calligraphy and cursive writing, S. Volchenka, 1902
  • Collection of old Russian and Slavic letters, K.D. Dalmatov, 1895
  • Slovolitni O. I. Leman in St. Petersburg and Moscow, Font Catalog, 1915 (?) G. Moscow.
  • Slovolitnya O.O. Gerbek. Fonts and ornaments, 19 ?? g.
  • Collection of fonts. Compiled and published by Mikhail Maimistov, 1912
  • Modern Font, W. Toots, 1966
  • Art fonts, A.M. Jerusalem, 1930
  • Font, B.V. Voronetsky E.D. Kuznetsov, 1967
  • Font in visual agitation, S. I. Smirnov, Third Edition, 1990
  • Fonts and Alphabets, O.V. Snarsky, 1979
  • Fonts for inscriptions on drawings, M.D. Mikeladze, 1961
  • Fonts for projects, plans and maps, A.S. Shuleykin, 1987
  • Fonts and their construction, D.A. Pisarevsky, 1927
  • Fonts and type works, V.V. Grachev, B.G.
  • Typographic fonts, ONSH, ed. A.N. Strelkova, 1974
  • Fonts Development and use, G.M.Baryshnikov, 1997
  • Fonts The educational-methodical manual for cadets of LVTKU, N.A. Shashurin, 1981
  • Aesthetics of the art of font, A. Kapr, 1979

Local download (with Horoshkin's permission).

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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ http://luc.devroye.org ⦿ http://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html