TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:43:42 EDT 2025






Terminator fonts

The fonts that could match those used in the Terminator movies are listed here:

  • Earth. From a discussant on Dafont, we quote: Both Terminator Real NFI and SteelWolf Medium (two of the most popular Terminator fonts) were created long after both The Terminator (1984) and Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) had been released. The onscreen logotype and titles by Pacific Title for T1, T2, and even T3, all utilize a phototype known in pre-digital form as Earth. Dan X. Solo managed to provide an ID (http://luc.devroye.org/DanSolo-Earth.gif) in one of his many Dover Publications books on typography. Elfring Fonts (http://www.elfring.com/earth.htm) created a somewhat altered digital family of fonts, also called Earth, during the 1990's. It's possible that Elfring Fonts created the original 1970's typeface but it's also possible that they simply have access to the original phototype film reels or samples. Either way, they have not released a more historically accurate version of Earth in digital form. Earlier uses of Earth predate 1984's The Terminator by many years, as this titling on Frederik Pohl's 1977 novel Gateway (http://smsa.org.au/assets/gateway-frederik-pohl.jpg) proves. Not to mention being featured in numerous other films and TV shows of the 1980's, including Blade Runner [license plate props] (1982), Automan (1983), Tightrope (1984), Airwolf (1984), and Humanoid Defender (1985). So there you have it. Earth has been around since the 1970's and is an exact match (with a little digital tweaking) for the Terminator logotype and titles. .
  • Future Earth (2011, V. Sarela). Based on the Terminator logo.
  • Earth (Elfring). Elfring writes: This is an original design from Elfring fonts, flavored by the science fiction of the 1950's. Earth is available as a heavy display font and a lighter headline font. Each font type is offered in two distinct variations of the basic design, Earth and Earth 2.
  • Terminator (1993, Allen R. Walden).
  • Terminator Real NFI (2002, Thomas W. Otto at Norfok).
  • Steelwolf Medium (1992-1996, Tom C. Lai, TLai Enterprises). Lai writes: There is a bootleg version of SteelWolf Medium circulating around the PC world. The file is called "terminat.ttf" and yields a font called "Terminator Two" when installed. This TrueType file was converted from a 1993 version of SteelWolf Medium, and all of the shareware info was wiped out in the process. Instead of showing the proper copyright and contact info, it will instead show "Converted by ALLTYPE".
  • Terminator Two. Unknown date and designer, except for a reference to Page Technology Marketing. But read the comment about Steelwolf above.

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Sci-Fi fonts ⦿

file name: Allen R Waldens Friendly Fonts Terminator 1993

file name: Elfring Earth

file name: Elfring Earth2

file name: Page Technology Marketing Terminator Two

file name: Terminator Two

file name: Thomas W Otto Terminator Real N F I 2002

file name: Tom C Lai Steel Wolf Medium 1992 1996

file name: V Sarela Future Earth 2011

file name: Terminator Two Movie Poster 1991

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html