TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Mar 5 10:58:40 EST 2025






Elfring Soft Fonts [Gary Elfring]

Gary Elfring's company in Wasco, IL, which was founded in 1979, sold many fonts in the early 1990s, often adaptations of well-known fonts. It is presently based in St. Charle, IL. Some subcategories of fonts:

  • Art Deco fonts: Baha (1992), Broad Avenue, Hafnium, Haman Bold, Narcosis Oblique, Neaten, Orange Oblique, Ramose Oblique, Totem, Zyme Oblique.
  • Bar Code fonts (Code 128, Code 39, UPC, 2/5 Inter, PostNet, EAN 8/13).
  • Script fonts: Aristocrat, Blush, ESF Elite Light, Grandam, Hotpress, Jessica, Old English, Saffron, Tech Bold, Zap Charles
  • MICR or check printing fonts, including Mic-EarthNormal (1992).
  • Display typefaces: AdrianneNormal, ApexCondensed-Oblique, BlackChanceryNormal, CoronetNormal, Dalith, ESFEliteNormal, Emir, Expiry-Oblique, Expiry, GrangeCaps-Oblique, GrangeCaps, Hafnium-Oblique, Hafnium, Harbor-Oblique, Hartebeest, Hasp, Hesitate, Jayhawk, JayhawkExpand-Oblique, JayhawkExpand, Jetty-Oblique, Jetty, Jevons-Oblique, Jevons, Jocund-Oblique, Jocund, Josephine-Oblique, Josephine, Josiah-Oblique, Josiah, Kansas-Oblique, Kansas, Kaufman, Kermis-Oblique, Kilung-Oblique, Lackey-Oblique, Lackey, Lactam-Oblique, Lactam, Langur, Lazar-Oblique, Lazar, Ligand, Liquid-Crystal, Liquid-CrystalOblique, Lunatic-Oblique, Narcosis, Nonage, OldEnglishNormal, Orange-Oblique, Orange, Pavis-Oblique, Pavis, Quintly, Rankle-Oblique, Rankle, Saccule-Oblique, Saccule, Tarunda, Totem, ZapChanceNormal, Zwieback-Oblique, Zwieback, Zyme-Oblique, Zyme. An oriental simulation face, EchoCaps (1995), is here.
  • A partial list: 226-CAI978, Aacho, Aapex, Aaron Heavy, Adrianne, Advance, Advertiser, Agency, Alien-Tongue, Alonse, Amber, Antiquarian, Antique, Antique Olive, Aristocrat, Avante, BC93Circle, Baha, Bahase, Bar Code 25, Bar Code 25 Interleaved, Bar Code 39, Bar, Bearer 25i, Big City, Black Chance, Black Chancery, Blippo, Bodoni, Broad Avenue, Broad Street, Brush, Bullet, Cal Zap Chance, Carefree, Cas Open Face, Century, Century School, Chicago, Circled Letters, CircledNumbers, Coach, Codabar, Code 128, Code 93, College, Commercial Script, Computer, Cookies, Cooper Italic, CooperBlack, CopperPlate, Coronet, Cursive Elegant, Dalith, Danley, DateLine, Deloise, Devotion, Dodge, DomCasual, Dot Matrix, EAN, ESF Deco, ESF Dingbats, ESF Elite, ESF Rounded, ESF-Elite, Earth, EchoCaps, Elegant Script, Elfring Elite, Elite, Emir, Engrave, Engraved, Expert Dingbats, Expert Elite, Expert Rounded, Expiry, Fashion, Flourish, Franzquo, Frit Qat, Fritz Quad, Friz Kat, Futena, Futura Black, Future, Garamond, Geometric Medium, Gillies, Gin and Tonic, Goudy Old Style, Grandam, GrangeCaps, Greece, Hafnium, Haman Bold, Hand Brush, Handel, Handsome, Hartebeest, Hasp, Heidelstein, Hellenic, Helv, Hesitate, Hobo, Hotpress, Illusion, Impact, Initial, Jayhawk, Jessica, Jetty, Jevons, Jocund, Josephine, Josiah, Jurassic, Kansas, Kaufman, Keys, Klefmon, LCD, Lackey, Lactam, Laguna, Langur, Lazar, Lenswith, Letter, Ligand, Liquid Crystal, Listium, MICR, Madison, MarriageScript, Micro, Microstile, Montana, Mossman, Mossy, Narcosis, Neaten, Next Trek, Nonage, OCR A, OCR B, Old English, Orange, Park Place, Park Street, Pavis, Pelicent, Penoir, PlanetEarth, Playful Print, Postal, Precidio, Prestige Elite, Query, Quintly, Ramose, Ranch, Rankle, Ransom, Revenue, Revue, Risky, Rockford, Roman, Saccule, Saffron, Salamander, Sans, Sci Fi, Script-Roundhand, Secure, Shaundow, Stensil, Tarunda, Technical, TiffBlack, Titanic, Totem, Toto, Trumpet, UPC, Umbles, Umpa, Un Gard, University, Vantrel, Vingy, Wolton, Yarnell, Zanders, Zap Chancery, Zap Dingbats, Zodiac, Zwieback, Zyme.

Dafont carries some of their free fonts, including the futuristic typeface Earth (1992).

Elfring Soft Fonts
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Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Barcode fonts ⦿ Signature/logo fonts ⦿ Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ MICR fonts ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Oriental simulation fonts ⦿ Art deco typefaces ⦿ Type scene in Illinois ⦿ Sci-Fi fonts ⦿ Chancery hand, cancellaresca ⦿

file name: Gary Elfring Art Deco Font Catalog

file name: Gary Elfring Antique Olive Heavy 1992

file name: Gary Elfring Century School Bold 1992

file name: Gary Elfring Penoir Normal 1992

file name: Gary Elfring Prestige Elite Normal 1992

file name: Gary Elfring Saccule 1995

file name: Gary Elfring Secure19a 2005

file name: Gary Elfring Tif Black 1993

file name: Gary Elfring Umpanormal 1992

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html