TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:15:28 EDT 2025






David Siegel

Educated at Stanford (M.Sc. in digital typography in 1985 under the supervision of Donald Knuth and Charles Bigelow) and before that at the University of Colorado at Boulder (undergraduate math degree in algorithms under Hal Gabow). Type designer. Creator of these architecturally-inspired type families:

  • Eaglefeather (1999), P22). An arts and crafts font made for the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, which owns various manuscripts of the beautiful lettering of this American artist and designer, 1867-1959. This font family is based on the alphabet designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for the Eaglerock project in 1922. Extended in 2012 and 2018 to P22 Eaglefeather Pro. Codesigned with Carol Toriumi-Lawrence.
  • Tekton (1988, Adobe). Tekton was released by Adobe in 1989. Ideal for architectural writing, an OpenType family, called Tekton Pro, was released in 2000. Adobe lists Jim Wasco as a co-designer. The glyphs are based on the hand-lettering of Seattle-based architect and author Francis D.K. Ching.
  • Graphite (1991, FontBureau). Graphite (FontBureau, 1991) is a drafting letter based on the hand of San Francisco draftsman Anthony Celis LaRosa.
  • He worked with Hermann Zapf, trying to get Knuth's METAFONT program to produce beautiful typefaces. He worked again with Zapf on Zapfino.
His page has discussions on typography in general, and handwriting and architectural fonts in particular.

He heads Studio Verso, a site-design consultancy in San Francisco.

Author of The Euler project at Stanford Stanford, CA (1985, Stanford University, Department of Computer Science).

CV at FontBureau. Interview. FontShop link. Klingspor link. MyFonts link.

David Siegel
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Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type personalities ⦿ Type scene in California ⦿ Type scene in Colorado ⦿ Type scene in Washington ⦿ Architectural lettering/typefaces ⦿ Arts and Crafts Movement ⦿

file name: David Siegel P22 Eaflefeather 1999b

file name: David Siegel P22 Eaflefeather 1999

file name: David Siegel Richard Kegler P22 Eaglefeather Pro 2018 278039

file name: David Siegel Richard Kegler P22 Eaglefeather Pro 2018 278042

file name: David Siegel Richard Kegler P22 Eaglefeather Pro 2018 78038

file name: David Siegel P22 Eaglefeather Informal 2012

file name: David Siegel P22 Eaglefeather Pro Black 2012

file name: David Siegel P22 Eaglefeather Bold 1994

file name: Richard Kegler P22 Eaglefeather after Frank Lloyd Wright

file name: David Siegel Carol Toriumi Lawrence P22 Eaglefeather 1999 after Frank Lloyd Wright

file name: David Siegel Carol Toriumi Lawrence P22 Eaglefeather 1999 after Frank Lloyd Wright

file name: David Siegel Carol Toriumi Lawrence P22 Eaglefeather 1999 after Frank Lloyd Wright

file name: David Siegel Graphite 1991

file name: Adobe Tekton 2011 10 06

file name: Adobe Graphite

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html