TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:16:57 EDT 2025






Giovanantonio Tagliente

Or Giovanni Antonio Tagliente. Calligrapher and writing master, born in Venice, 1468-1527. Author of Lo presente libro insegna la vera arte de lo excellente scrivere de diverse varie sorti de litere (1524). Sample images from that penmanship book, which includes scripts for Latin, Hebrew and Greek: i, ii, iii, iv. Also: Chancery, Florentine, Florentine bastarda, Lettera bollatica, Lettera imperiale. Sets of ornamental capitals: Italian gothic Initials and Italian Renaissance Capitals. Picture of Tagliente's title page of his book in 1531. PDF of his work by Toni Pecoraro. Digitizations:

  • A scanfont based on his chancery is 1491 Cancellaresca Formata (2009, GLC).
  • Stanley Morison's metal Bembo (1929) is based on Tagliente's letters. Bitstream's Aldine 401 is the first digital take of Bembo, which is attributed jointly to F. Griffo and G. Tagliente. JY Aetna (1994) is Jack Yan's version. Other revivals include Bembo MT (Monotype), Bamberg Serial (Softmaker), Bergamo and Bergamo Osf (Softmaker), Bergamo (Infinitype) and Bergamo (FontSite).
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Giovanantonio Tagliente
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History of type ⦿ Type design in Italy ⦿ Codex-like fonts ⦿ Calligraphic typefaces ⦿ Ornamental caps typefaces ⦿ Penmanship ⦿ Chancery hand, cancellaresca ⦿ Bembo ⦿

file name: Giovanni Antonio Tagliente Chancery

file name: Giovanni Antonio Tagliente Florentine

file name: Giovanni Antonio Tagliente Florentine Bastarda

file name: Giovanni Antonio Tagliente Lettera Bollatica

file name: Giovanni Antonio Tagliente Lettera Imperiale

file name: Tagliente Lettera Imperiale 1525

file name: Giovannantonio Tagliente Lo Presento Libro 1524

file name: Bembo

file name: Bembo

file name: Bembo M T Metal

file name: Bitstream Aldine401

file name: Bitstream Aldine401 Bold

file name: various/tagliente1

file name: blanchard/blanchard tagliente

file name: blanchard/blanchard tagliente2

file name: blanchard/blanchard tagliente3

file name: G A Tagliente Italian Gothic Initials 16th Century 1

file name: G A Tagliente Italian Gothic Initials 16th Century 2

file name: G A Tagliente Italian Renaissance Capitals 1524a

file name: G A Tagliente Italian Renaissance Capitals 1524b

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html