TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:18:30 EDT 2025






Sandoll Type Bank (or: Sandoll Communications) [Seok Geumho]

Large commercial Korean type foundry that has made more than 400 fonts since its inception in 1984 by Seok Geumho (aka Paul Geumho Seok). Fonts by them include SanDoksuri B (1996), SanKaibyuk M (1996), SDBiSang UL (1998), SDBiSang L (1998), SDBiSang B (1998), and the free Latin/Korean handwriting font SD Kwang Soo (1998).

The Nanum fonts (Nanum Myeongjo, Nanum Pen Script, Nanum Gothic, Nanum Gothic Coding, Nanum Brush Script) are Unicode fonts designed especially for the Korean-language script, designed by Sandoll Communications and Fontrix. Nanum Eco (2008) is a free Korean font with holes inside the glyphs to save on ink.

Google Fonts links: Nanum Myeongjo, Nanum Pen Script, Nanum Gothic, Nanum Gothic Coding, Nanum Brush Script.

Custom typefaces: Joon-Ang Daily, Interpark Gothic, Jeju, Hyundai Sans (2016: free), Hangil E-Type. Facebook page. Fontsquirrel link.

Sandoll Type Bank (or: Sandoll Communications)
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Korean (Hangul) ⦿ Type design in South Korea ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿

file name: Seok Geumho Pic

file name: Seok Geumho Pic

file name: Sandoll Communications Hyundai Sans 2016

file name: Sandoll Communications Hyundai Sans 2016b

file name: Sandoll Communications Hyundai Sans 2016c

file name: Sandoll Communications Interpark Gothic

file name: Sandoll Communications Joon Ang Daily

file name: Seok Geumho Typeface 2015

file name: Seok Geumho Typeface 2015b

file name: Seok Geumho Typeface 2015c

file name: Seok Geumho Typeface 2015d

file name: Park Yongrak Yoon Yihee Nanum Myeongjo 2010

file name: Park Yongrak Yoon Yihee Nanum Myeongjo 2010b

file name: Park Yongrak Yoon Yihee Nanum Myeongjo 2010c

file name: Yong rak Park Ji hee Yoon Nanum Myeongjo 2010

file name: Nanum Myeongjo 2013

file name: Hyunghwan Choi Doo yul Kwak Nicolas Noh Nanum Pen Script 2010

file name: Doo yul Kwak Nicolas Noh Nanum Brush Script 2010

file name: Kwak Dooyul Nicolas Noh Nanum Brush Script 2010

file name: Kwak Dooyul Nicolas Noh Nanum Brush Script 2010b

file name: Sandoll Nanum Eco 2008

file name: Nicolas Noh Bruce Kwon Sungwoo Choi Goun Cha Soohyun Park Namum Gothic Coding 2009

file name: Nanum Gothic 2013

file name: Nicolas Noh Bruce Kwon Sungwoo Choi Nanum Gothic 2011b

file name: Nicolas Noh Bruce Kwon Sungwoo Choi Nanum Gothic 2011

file name: Nicolas Noh Bruce Kwon Sungwoo Choi Nanum Gothic 2011b

file name: Nicolas Noh Bruce Kwon Sungwoo Choi Nanum Gothic 2011c

file name: Nicolas Noh Bruce Kwon Sungwoo Choi Nanum Gothic 2011d

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html