Instructions by Francesco Spada on how to make a PS file into an EPS file: - Make the first line of the PostScript file the following:
%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 - Look among the lines at the beginning of the PostScript file (right after your "%!PS..." line. You should see a series of lines that start with "%%". If there is not already a line among these that starts with "%%BoundingBox", then you will need to add this line among the other %% lines: %%BoundingBox: xll yll xur yur The "xll yll xur yur" abover are stand-ins for four numbers, these being the x and y coordinates of the lower left and upper right corners of the bounding box of the EPS graphic.
- Restrictions: (1) It must be a one page document. (2) It should make no reference to page size, duplex printing, or anything else that has to do with the printing of the document. (3) It shouldn't do other odd stuff, like erase the page, initialize the graphic state, etc.
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