TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Sat Jul 20 14:14:19 EDT 2024






Font Plague: Century Gothic [Michael Bojkowski]

A rant in 2008 by Boicozine about Century Gothic. Quoting some passages: So it was that Arial came to prominence. The poor bastard child of Helvetica, it was produced to get around having to pay to license the real thing. It's Helvetica with crappy bits thrown in to avoid any law suits. Of course, it been around long enough now that a certain mystique have developed around it, helped by the rise of Ascender Corp [ascendercorp.com], who were born out of the ashes of Microsoft's typography division [microsoft.com/typography] clutching a swag of valuable font licenses and continue to hold sway over of computer operating systems the world over. Which brings me neatly round to Century Gothic. Century Gothic is [...] everywhere at the moment from M&S Connoisseur packaging, to the Casino Royale to PC World's recent rebrand to the City of London's collateral and so on. It is essentially Futura or Avant Garde with crappy bits thrown in to avoid licensing costs again. Only this time around Ascender have learnt from criticism levelled at Arial (which they continue to naively contest) and imbued it with an historical context, basing the design, very loosely, on a typeface developed around the 1940s by little known typographer, Sol Hess [linotype.com]. Their choice to work-up a Monotype typeface is ripe too. Monotype have reproduced and renamed a number of replicant typefaces throughout their often dubious history.

Credit: The poster atop this page was made in 2012 by Studio Jess. The careful reader should pick up the inconsitencies in Boicozine's rant---Arial is far from a bastard child of Helvetica, and calling Sol Hess a little known typographer is like performing harakiri during ATypI's opening ceremony.

Font Plague: Century Gothic
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David and Goliath ⦿ Choice of fonts ⦿

file name: Monotype Century Gothic 2012

file name: Monotype Century Gothic 1991 Poster by Michael Sallit 2017

file name: Monotype Century Gothic 1991 Poster by Michael Sallit 2017b

file name: Monotype Century Gothic 1991 Poster by Michael Sallit 2017c

file name: Monotype Century Gothic 1991 Poster by Michael Sallit 2017d

file name: Monotype Century Gothic 1991 Poster by Michael Sallit 2017e

file name: Monotype Century Gothic 1991 Poster by Michael Sallit 2017f

file name: Monotype Century Gothic 1991 Poster by Yasini Ramachandran 2017

file name: Monotype Century Gothic 1991 Poster by Te Onya L King 2016

file name: Monotype Century Gothic 1991 Poster by Te Onya L King 2016

file name: Monotype Century Gothic 1991 Poster by Cassandra Mayo 2016

file name: Monotype Century Gothic 1991 Poster by Krithwe J Vekkan 2016

file name: Monotype Century Gothic Poster by Panos Athanasiadis 2015

file name: Monotype Century Gothic Bold 2012

file name: Monotype Century Gothic Bold Italic 2012

file name: Monotype Century Gothic 1992 Poster by Jenna Cuppelli Yu 2014

file name: Monotype Century Gothic 1991 Poster by Anna Bai 2016

file name: Monotype Century Gothic Italic 2012

file name: Monotype Century Gothic Poster by Danielle House 2012

file name: Monotype Century Gothic 1991 Poster by Franklin Ramseur 2016

file name: Monotype Century Gothic 1991 Poster by Erika Davies 2016

file name: Martina Deneva Century Gothic Poster 2012

file name: Studio Jess Century Gothic Poster 2012

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ http://luc.devroye.org ⦿ http://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html