Didot or Bodoni
The typophiles discuss some Didot choices and tell us the best ways for recognizing a Didot from a Bodoni. On the choices for Didot: - Linotype Didot
- Frutiger's Didot
- HTF Didot
- Ambroise (Porchez)
- Canada Type has their new Didot, but it's self admittedly not a faithful Didot.
- Didot Elder (François Rappo)
- FF Holmen (Per Baasch Jørgensen)
- Carmen (Andreu Balius)
On the ways of recognizing them. In general, Didot's are mre rigid (thinner hairlines, untapered serifs (or: lack of bracketing) as in the tops of "W", "V" and "l"). But some Bodoni's have untapered serifs and some Didot's are tapered, hmmm. Florain Hardwig (see graphic) identifies the characters that give it away for him: "a" (Didot has a droopy counter), "l" (top), "W" (top), "t" (Bodoni's top very tapered), "J" (Bodoni drops below baseline), "Q" (Bodoni has a dog's tail, Didot has a French feather).
Didot or Bodoni
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