TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:24:18 EDT 2025






Kaiser Zhar Khan

Kaiser Zhar Khan (b. 1980, Chile), aka Zanatilja, used to run a new defunct archive called True Type Fonts. He also designed many typefaces himself. The most famous among these is his free African-themed typeface South Afirkas 2100 (2009), which is downloadable from Dafont.

In 2012, he made Stickerman Bad Times, Rock X Start TFB, Aespiro TFB, Perspectivo TFB (3d face), Desgarvuda (textured face), Estancofida TFB (textured face), LEDisplay TFB, Restroom Signs TFB, Chinese Cally TFB, Discontinuo, Suast Ornad TFB (a textured face), Scoolar TFB (3d face), Katakana TFB, Hiragana TFB, Dragons TFB, Arrows TFB, Old Retro Keys TFB, Pycuaf, Pycuafodi, Dragon Ball TFB, Escaned (texture face), Chess TFB, Seagram TFB, Army Weapons TFB, Stamp Seal TFB, Logos TFB, Scripto TFB, Another Ornaments TFB, Vintage Auto Cars TFB, Simple (a monoline sans), Travesia TFB (information design dings), Music TFB (dingbats), Xmas Cartoon, Wings of Wind TFB, Mickey M TFB, Pincel Handwrite, Jigsaw Pieces TFB, Valentines Day TFB (heart dingbats), Proportional TFB (squarish sans), Stars TFB, Working Signs TFB, Signs Language TFB, Ornaments Labels and Frames, Snowflakes TFB, Christmas Nativity TFB, Chinese Zodiac TFB, Zodiac TFB, Only Skulls, Calendar Note TFB, Sports TFB (sports silhouettes), Old Retro Labels TFB, 11 Vator TFB, Xmas TFB (Christmas dings), Trees TFB, Clothing Logos TFB, Dirty Sweb, Can Dog TFB, Ornaments, Finger Print, Kitty Kats TFB, Batman Logo Evolution TFB, Light TFB (avant garde sans), Digital Display TFB (LED face), Skullx (dingbats), Tribal Tattoo (dingbats), Klingon, The Meme Font (dingbats), Rongorongo (a system of glyphs discovered in the 19th century on Easter Island), Strangferfixcs, Hotel Transilvania and Frankenwine.

Typefaces made in 2013: Pudahuel Sans, Variada TFB (simple circle-and-arc-based sans), Estorea TFB, New LED Board TFB, Rayada TFB (textured face), New Barcode Font TFB, Estrellas TFB (stars), Estrellass (sic) TFB, Spirits Dots Drinks, Mero Ornad TFB (fishnet textured), Toolz TFB, New Stencil TFB, Logocarsbats TFB, Caritons TFB (smilies), Illustrations TFB (scanbats), Edgebat TFB (knives), Crossbats TFB (crosses), Abstrec TFB (organic sans), Frames TFB, BitxMap Font TFB, Austera Simple TFB, Traffic Signs TFB, Extranger Sol TFB, Rifle Bats TFB, New X Digital TFB (LED typeface family), Dasgastada TFB, El Alambre TFB, Punk Not Dead TFB, Triangled TFB, Noxtrey Auf TFB, Cross LED TFB (+Bold), Cursi Extra TFB, Hearts Shapes TFB, Ornamentsss TFB, Eggfaces TFB, Orniste TFB, Shadded TFB (sic) (shadow face), Spoghetti Western (sic) (Italian Far West face), Groovy Font (shaded), Fireguns TFB (dingbats), Only Revolver TFB (dingbats), Aeg Flyon Now (condensed sans), Espinuda TFB, T1 Logoso TFB, Social Logos TFB, Hearts and Flowers for valentines, Astrology Astrological TFB, Ornametss TFB, Astrology TFB, Old Ornaments, Old Foundry Prints TFB, Old seals TFB, English Two Line TFB (pearly alphabet from 1796), Amame TFB (dot matrix face), Fontesda TFB (sketched face), Flowers Dots Bats TFB, Queen Destroy TFB, Bicycle TFB (dingbats), Stone Army, Ancient Weapons TFB, Numismatic Bats TFB, Elizabethan Initials TFB, Anome Ibul, Big Daddy LED, Mavole Sinpo TFB (spurred), Dowted Remix TFB (dot matrix face), QR Font TFB, Another Barcode, Display Free TFB (LED face), Cadabra Debilex, Initials TFB, Music Logos TFB, Toxic Waste TFB, Ornad Dentro TFB, Logos and Logos TFB, Amore Mio, Hearts Shapes TFB, Another X Display TFB (dot matrix), Pro Display TFB (dot matrix), Juino Net, Quiwo Luse TFB, Aliencons Two, Cargante TFB, News Board TFB, Aliencons TFB, Barcode TFB, Birthday Balon TFB, Birds TFB (silhouettes), Le Fish (fish silhouettes), Motos TFB, Love You Too TFB (Valentine's day font), LED LCD 123, Noteame (fat sans), Badopus TFB (monoline script), Estrellado TFB, Love You TFB (Valentine's Day font), Cubs LED TFB (LED / dot matrix typeface), Text Inside TFB (textured face), Kuwa Ronmcie Q (circle-based face), Zebra TFB, Distrogrunge TFB, Carillas TFB (smilies).

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Type design in South Africa ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ The Chilean type scene ⦿ Type blogs ⦿ Movie fonts ⦿ Rongo Rongo (Easter Island Script) Typefaces ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Free font sources ⦿ Horror fonts ⦿ LED / LCD fonts ⦿ Avant Garde typefaces ⦿ Christmas / Season's Fonts ⦿ Snowflake fonts ⦿ Astrological (or Zodiac) fonts ⦿ Sign language fonts ⦿ Valentine's Day Fonts ⦿ Music fonts ⦿ Chess fonts ⦿ Typefaces with arrows ⦿ Type design in Japan ⦿ 3D fonts ⦿ Textured typefaces ⦿ Smilie Fonts ⦿ Bicycle-themed typefaces ⦿ Ornamental caps typefaces ⦿ Sketched typefaces ⦿ Pixel/bitmap fonts ⦿ Icon fonts ⦿ Western fonts ⦿ Map/Travel dingbats ⦿ Religious symbols ⦿ Scanbats ⦿ Stencil fonts ⦿ Circle-themed typefaces ⦿ Tattoo fonts ⦿ Triangulated typefaces ⦿ Monoline script fonts ⦿

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Abstrec T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Aeg Flyon Now 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Amame T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Amore Mio 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Ancient Weapons T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Anome Ibul 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Army Weapons T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Army Weapons T F B 2012b

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Astrology Astrological T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Badopus T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Bicycle T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Big Daddy L E D 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Birds T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Cadabra Debilex 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Calendar Note T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Can Dog T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Carillas T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Caritons T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Chess T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Christmas Nativity T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Crossbats T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Cubs Led T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Digital Display T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Display Free T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Eggfaces T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan English Two Line T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Espinuda T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Estrellass T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Extranger Sol T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Fireguns T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Flowers Dots Bats T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Fontesda T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Frankenwine 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Groovy Font 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Hostel Transilvania 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Initials T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Kitty Cats T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Le Fish 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Light T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Logocarsbats T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Mero Ornad T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Mickey M T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Motos T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Music T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan New Stencil T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan New X Digital T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Noteame 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Old Retro Keys T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Only Revolver T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Only Skulls 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Ornad Dentro 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Ornaments Labels And Frames 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Ornametss T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Orniste T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Orniste T F B 2013b

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Perspectivo T F B T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Perspectivo T F B T F B 2012b

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Pincel Handwrite 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Pro Display T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Proportional T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Pycuaf T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Rayada T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Restroom Signs T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Restroom Signs T F B 2012b

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Rifle Bats T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Rongorongo 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Scoolar T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Scripto T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Seagram T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Seagram T F B 2012b

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Seagram T F B 2012c

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Shadded T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Shadded T F B 2013b

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Signs Language T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Skullx 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Snowflakes T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Social Logos T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Spoghetti Western T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Spoghetti Western T F B 2013b

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Sports T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Stickerman T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Strangferfixcs 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Suast Ornad T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Text Inside 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan The Meme Font 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Toolz T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Traffic Signs T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Travesia T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Trees T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Tribal Tattoo 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Valentines Day T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Variada T F B 2013

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Vintage Auto Cars T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Vintage Auto Cars T F B 2012b

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Xmas T F B 2012

file name: Kaiser Zhar Khan Zodiac T F B 2012

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html