TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:24:40 EDT 2025






Henry Caslon

British typefounder from the famous Caslon family. Author of Specimen of Printing types (1841), which showcases the typefaces of Caslon, Son and Livermore. PDF file of that book. Excerpts: Albion No. 1, Double Pica No. 3, Five Line Pica Open, Four Line Pica Shaded, Italian [this is a famous Western face, dating from 1821, and entitled the Italian Monstrosity by James Clough (who considers it not a monstrosity at all---the title refers to bad reputation of Caslon's Italian in the eyes of type critics such as T.C. Hansard and Nicolete Grey)], Nine Line Pica, Ornament No. 113, Ornament No. 159, Seven Line Pica Italian, Sixteen Line Pica Compressed, Ten Line Pica Compressed, Two Line Letters No. 4, Two Line Pica Chessmen.

Images of some type specimen from Henry Taylor Wyse's book of 1911: AngloSaxon, Antique Old Style, Baskerville, Black No. 4, Cheltenham, Cheltenham Bold Outline, Cheltenham Heavy Italic, Cheltenham Old Style, Cheltenham Old Style, Lining Carlton, Morland, Morland Italic, Old Face, Old Face Heavy, Old Face Italic, Original Black, Ornaments.

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Type design in the United Kingdom ⦿ Books on type design ⦿ History of type ⦿ Chess fonts ⦿ Western fonts ⦿ Foundries of the 19th century ⦿ Caslon ⦿ Cheltenham ⦿ Baskerville ⦿

file name: James Clough in Caslons Italian 1821

file name: Henry Caslon Caslon Italian in Specimen Of Printing Types London 1844

file name: Caslon Twelve I T C Lowercase a

file name: Caslon Italian 1821

file name: Caslons Italian 1821

file name: H W Caslon Cleopatra

file name: H W Caslon Enchoriales Larges

file name: H W Caslon Figaro

file name: H W Caslon Gutenberg

file name: Caslons Blackletter

file name: Henry Caslon Specimen Of Types Albion No1 1841

file name: Henry Caslon Specimen Of Types Double Pica No3 1841

file name: Henry Caslon Specimen Of Types Five Line Pica Open 1841

file name: Henry Caslon Specimen Of Types Four Line Pica Shaded 1841

file name: Henry Caslon Specimen Of Types Italian 1841

file name: Henry Caslon Specimen Of Types Nine Line Pica 1841

file name: Henry Caslon Specimen Of Types Ornament No113 1841

file name: Henry Caslon Specimen Of Types Ornament No159 1841

file name: Henry Caslon Specimen Of Types Seven Line Pica Italian 1841

file name: Henry Caslon Specimen Of Types Sixteen Line Pica Compressed 1841

file name: Henry Caslon Specimen Of Types Ten Line Pica Compressed 1841

file name: Henry Caslon Specimen Of Types Two Line Letters No4 1841

file name: Henry Caslon Specimen Of Types Two Line Pica Chessmen 1841

file name: H W Caslon Anglo Saxon 48pt

file name: H W Caslon Antique Old Style 30pt

file name: H W Caslon Baskerville 30pt

file name: H W Caslon Black No4 48pt

file name: H W Caslon Cheltenham

file name: H W Caslon Cheltenham Bold Outline 30pt

file name: H W Caslon Cheltenham Heavy Italic 48pt

file name: H W Caslon Cheltenham Old Style 48pt

file name: H W Caslon Cheltenham Old Style

file name: H W Caslon Lining Carlton 30pt

file name: H W Caslon Morland 30pt

file name: H W Caslon Morland Italic 30pt

file name: H W Caslon Old Face

file name: H W Caslon Old Face Heavy

file name: H W Caslon Old Face Italic 48pt

file name: H W Caslon Original Black 48pt

file name: H W Caslon Ornaments

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html