TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Sat Jul 20 14:39:17 EDT 2024






Jan Sindler

While living in Karlovy Vary, Czechia, Jan Sindler designed Rodak (2014, a rounded sans typeface) and Maturia (2014, an ink-trapped school project typeface family that was influenced by Rathousky's Metron).

Recently, he joined Lucasfonts in Berlin. At Futurefonts, he published Rotor (2019), a monospaced typeface with an axis for rotating glyphs on the X axis, as if in three-dimensional space.

Graduate of the TypeMedia program at the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) in Den Haag, The Netherlands, class of 2020. His graduation typeface there was Gabion, a text and display family.

Between 2018 and 2020, he developed the script typeface Afrikola.

Typefaces from 2021: Rotor (experimental; static and variable).

Future Fonts link.

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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type design in Czechia ⦿ German type scene ⦿ Variable fonts ⦿ Experimental type ⦿

file name: Jan Sindler Rotor 2020 2021

file name: Jan Sindler Rotor 2020 2021

file name: Jan Sindler Rotor 2020 2021

file name: Jan Sindler Rotor 2020 2021

file name: Jan Sindler Rotor 2020 2021

file name: Jan Sindler Afrikola 2018 2020

file name: Jan Sindler Afrikola 2018 2020

file name: Jan Sindler Afrikola 2018 2020

file name: Jan Sindler Afrikola 2018 2020

file name: Jan Sindler Gabion 2020

file name: Jan Sindler Gabion 2020

file name: Jan Sindler Gabion 2020

file name: Jan Sindler Gabion 2020

file name: Jan Sindler Gabion 2020

file name: Jan Sindler Gabion 2020

file name: Jan Sindler Gabion 2020

file name: Jan Sindler Rotor 2019

file name: Jan Sindler Rotor 2019

file name: Jan Sindler Rotor 2019

file name: Jan Sindler Typeface 2015

file name: Jan Sindler Typeface 2015b

file name: Jan Sindler Typeface 2015c

file name: Jan Sindler Maturia 2014

file name: Jan Sindler Rodak 2014

file name: Jan Sindler Rodak 2014b

file name: Jan Sindler Huw Williams 2020 photo by Frank Griesshammer

file name: Jan Sindler Ruggero Magri Pic photo by Frank Griesshammer

file name: Jan Sindler Pic photo by Frank Griesshammer

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ http://luc.devroye.org ⦿ http://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html