Simulated annealing books

Last update: Wed Feb 7 14:03:42 EST 2024

Luc's library has now opened its web doors to all McGill University students. The library is in fact my office (room 300N, McConnell Engineering Building), and the books are a subset of my private collection. Any McGill student may borrow any book at any time!

E. Aarts
J. Korst

Simulated Annealing and Boltzmann Machines [Google]
John Wiley, New York, 1989.

E.H.L. Aarts
J.K. Lenstra (eds)

Local Search in Combinatorial Optimization [Google]
John Wiley, Chichester, 1997.

R. Azencott

Simulated Annealing Parallelization Techniques [Google]
John Wiley, New York, 1992.

M. Duflo

Random Iterative Models [Google]
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1997.

O. Häggstr\:om

Finite Markov Chains and Algorithmic Applications [Google]
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2002.

M. Johnson (ed)

Simulated Annealing and Optimization [Google]
American Sciences Press, Columbus, OH, 1988.

Faming Liang
Chuanhai Liu
Raymond J. Carroll

Advanced Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods: Learning from Past Samples [Google]
John Wiley, Padstow, UK, 2010.

R.H.J.M. Otten
L.P.P.P. van Ginneken

The Annealing Algorithm [Google]
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1989.

Peter Salamon
Paolo Sibani
Richard Frost

Facts, Conjectures, and Improvements for Simulated Annealing [Google]
SIAM, Philadelphia, 2002.

C. Sechen

VLSI Placement and Global Routing using Simulated Annealing [Google]
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1988.

James C. Spall

Introduction to Stochastic Search and Optimization: Estimation, Simulation, and Control [Google]
John Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2003.

P.J.M. Van Laarhoven
E.H.L. Aarts

Simulated Annealing: Theory and Applications [Google]
D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1987.

P.J.M. Van Laarhoven
E.H.L. Aarts

Simulated Annealing: Theory and Applications [Google]
D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1987.

D.F. Wong
H.W. Leong
C.L. Liu

Simulated Annealing for VLSI Design [Google]
Kluwer Academic, Boston, 1988.


Luc Devroye
School of Computer Science
McGill University
Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6