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D0D1D2D4D5D6D9D:D>D?D@DADCF8F$F&F'F(F)I8I$I&I'I(I)*# ?  GI Yeu 0 ,    F  ,  :  ( C . k ~   G    G e ' 5 G G G W e G G$ u-   G G  G  GFrom >>Das neue Schriftenbuch<<, Max Korner, 1949. Maschinenbau (Engineering) "After the War, it was hard to focus." Page 26. Indra Kupferschmid on flickr. At: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kupfers/6944364529/in/set-72157629125613776/ Mindofone Fonts. Max K?rner (1883-1963) was a painter and German trademark designer. From 1913 to 1921 he was a teacher of visual design and crafts at the School of Applied Arts in Stuttgart. From 1921 he held a professorship at the State School of Applied Arts in Nuremberg and was director of the master class for applied graphics. From 1945 to 1948 entrusted temporarily to direct the Ellingen Academy until Fritz Griebel took over. Among his students was the painter Richard Lindner. He also published Monograms, Initials, Trademarks, Publishers Marks, Characters and Ornamental Letters (circa 1950), a collection of bold, modernistic examples of the Germanic style. RegularMax Korner Machinenbau:Version 1.10Version 1.10 October 31, 2013MaxKornerMachinenbauDigitized by TTD. 2012.This font was created using FontCreator 6.5 from High-Logic.comoby ejnnormalStandardFrom >>Das neue Schriftenbuch<<, Max Korner, 1949. Maschinenbau (Engineering) "After the War, it was hard to focus." Page 26. Indra Kupferschmid on flickr. At: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kupfers/6944364529/in/set-72157629125613776/ Mindofone Fonts. Max Krner (1883-1963) was a painter and German trademark designer. From 1913 to 1921 he was a teacher of visual design and crafts at the School of Applied Arts in Stuttgart. From 1921 he held a professorship at the State School of Applied Arts in Nuremberg and was director of the master class for applied graphics. From 1945 to 1948 entrusted temporarily to direct the Ellingen Academy until Fritz Griebel took over. Among his students was the painter Richard Lindner. He also published Monograms, Initials, Trademarks, Publisher s Marks, Characters and Ornamental Letters (circa 1950), a collection of bold, modernistic examples of the Germanic style. RegularMax Korner Machinenbau:Version 1.10Version 1.10 October 31, 2013MaxKornerMachinenbauDigitized by TTD. 2012.This font was created using FontCreator 6.5 from High-Logic.comNormaaliNormaleStandaardNormalny1KG=K9NormlneNavadnoArrunta'N $%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]Euro