New book by Luc Devroye and Gabor Lugosi
Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001
ISBN number 0-387-95117-2
Available at for 44.95USD

Combinatorial Methods in Density Estimation


Chapter 1


Chapter 2

Concentration Inequalities
2.1. Hoeffding's Inequality
2.2. An Inequality for the Expected Maximal Deviation
2.3. The Bounded Difference Inequality
2.4. Examples
2.5. Bibliographic Remarks
2.6. Exercises
2.7. References

Chapter 3

Uniform Deviation Inequalities
3.1. The Vapnik--Chervonenkis Inequality
3.2. Covering Numbers and Chaining
3.3. Example: The Dvoretzky--Kiefer--Wolfowitz Theorem
3.4. Bibliographic Remarks
3.5. Exercises
3.6. References

Chapter 4

Combinatorial Tools
4.1. Shatter Coefficients
4.2. Vapnik--Chervonenkis Dimension and Shatter Coefficients
4.3. Vapnik--Chervonenkis Dimension and Covering Numbers
4.4. Examples
4.5. Bibliographic remarks
4.6. Exercises
4.7. References

Chapter 5

Total Variation
5.1. Density Estimation
5.2. The Total Variation
5.3. Invariance
5.4. Mappings
5.5. Convolutions
5.6. Normalization
5.7. The Lebesgue Density Theorem
5.8. LeCam's Inequality
5.9. Bibliographic Remarks
5.10. Exercises
5.11. References

Chapter 6

Choosing a Density Estimate
6.1. Choosing Between Two Densities
6.2. Examples
6.3. Is the Factor of Three Necessary?
6.4. Maximum Likelihood Does not Work
6.5. $L_2$ Distances Are To Be Avoided
6.6. Selection from $k$ Densities
6.7. Examples Continued
6.8. Selection from an Infinite Class
6.9. Bibliographic Remarks
6.10. Exercises
6.11. References

Chapter 7

Skeleton Estimates
7.1. Kolmogorov Entropy
7.2. Skeleton Estimates
7.3. Robustness
7.4. Finite Mixtures
7.5. Monotone Densities on the Hypercube
7.6. How To Make Gigantic Totally Bounded Classes
7.7. Bibliographic Remarks
7.8. Exercises
7.9. References

Chapter 8

The Minimum Distance Estimate: Examples
8.1. Problem Formulation
8.2. Series Estimates
8.3. Parametric Estimates: Exponential Families
8.4. Neural Network Estimates
8.5. Mixture Classes, Radial Basis Function Networks
8.6. Bibliographic Remarks
8.7. Exercises
8.8. References

Chapter 9

The Kernel Density Estimate
9.1. Approximating Functions by Convolutions
9.2. Definition of the Kernel Estimate
9.3. Consistency of the Kernel Estimate
9.4. Concentration
9.5. Choosing the Bandwidth
9.6. Choosing the Kernel
9.7. Rates of Convergence
9.8. Uniform Rate of Convergence
9.9. Shrinkage, and the Combination of Density Estimates
9.10. Bibliographic Remarks
9.11. Exercises
9.12. References

Chapter 10

Additive Estimates and Data Splitting
10.1. Data Splitting
10.2. Additive Estimates
10.3. Histogram Estimates
10.4. Bibliographic Remarks
10.5. Exercises
10.6. References

Chapter 11

Bandwidth Selection for Kernel Estimates
11.1. The Kernel Estimate with Riemann Kernel
11.2. General Kernels, Kernel Complexity
11.3. Kernel Complexity: Univariate Examples
11.4. Kernel Complexity: Multivariate Kernels
11.5. Asymptotic Optimality
11.6. Bibliographic Remarks
11.7. Exercises
11.8. References

Chapter 12

Multiparameter Kernel Estimates
12.1. Multivariate Kernel Estimates---Product Kernels
12.2. Multivariate Kernel Estimates---Ellipsoidal Kernels
12.3. Variable Kernel Estimates
12.4. Tree-Structured Partitions
12.5. Changepoints and Bump Hunting
12.6. Bibliographic Remarks
12.7. Exercises
12.8. References

Chapter 13

Wavelet Estimates
13.1. Definitions
13.2. Smoothing
13.3. Thresholding
13.4. Soft Thresholding
13.5. Bibliographic Remarks
13.6. Exercises
13.7. References

Chapter 14

The Transformed Kernel Estimate
14.1. The Transformed Kernel Estimate
14.2. Box--Cox Transformations
14.3. Piecewise Linear Transformations
14.4. Bibliographic Remarks
14.5. Exercises
14.6. References

Chapter 15

Minimax Theory
15.1. Estimating a Density from One Data Point
15.2. The General Minimax Problem
15.3. Rich Classes
15.4. Assouad's Lemma
15.5. Example: The Class of Convex Densities
15.6. Additional Examples
15.7. Tuning the Parameters of Variable Kernel Estimates
15.8. Sufficient Statistics
15.9. Bibliographic Remarks
15.10. Exercises
15.11. References

Chapter 16

Choosing the Kernel Order
16.1. Introduction
16.2. Standard Kernel Estimate: Riemann Kernels
16.3. Standard Kernel Estimates: General Kernels
16.4. An Infinite Family of Kernels
16.5. Bibliographic Remarks
16.6. Exercises
16.7. References

Chapter 17

Bandwidth Choice with Superkernels
17.1. Superkernels
17.2. The Trapezoidal Kernel
17.3. Bandwidth Selection
17.4. Bibliographic Remarks
17.5. Exercises
17.6. References

Author Index

Subject Index

Copyright © 2000 Luc Devroye.