C.E. Weber's catalog

C.E. Weber was a Stuttgart-based foundry established in 1827, and taken over by D. Stempel in 1970, which in turn became Linotype in the eighties. Their library included workhorses like Druckhaus Antiqua (1919) and Schadow Antiqua (1938), and faces by these designers:

Fette Antiqua

Rund Grotesk (+halbfett, +fett, +Kursiv, +schmalfett)

Aurora Grotesk Garnitur (I through IX). The original Aurora Grotesk family seems to date back to the Johannes Wagner Foundry (1912).

Steinschrift: A Haas'sche face from 1834.

Atlantis Grotesk (+fett, +halbfett)

Enge Etienne

Merko Versalien

Florido Versalien

Forum Versalien

Lichte Hollandisch Versalien

Neon Versalien: Willy Schaefer, 1936.

Opal Versalien

Gabriele: Hans Möhring, 1938, or, according to Hastings, 1947.

Forelle (+Auszeichnung): Erich Mollowitz, 1936.

Bison: Julius Kirn, 1954-1955.

Schadow Antiqua (+Werk, +Kursiv, +halbfett, +schmalfett): Georg Trump, 1938.

Deutsch-Römisch (+fett, +Kursiv): E. Schneidler, 1923.

Druckhaus Antiqua (+halbfett, +fett, +schmal, +Kursiv)

Romanisch (+halbfett)

Chronika (+fett): Walter Jakobs (or Jacobs), 1936, originally designed for both Weber and J.D. Trennert & Sohn. In 1937, he added Verzierte Chronika at weber.

Fett Gotisch

Bayreuth: Ernst Schneidler, 1932.

Fette Fraktur

Suevia Fraktur (mager, halbfett): E. Schneidler.

Parlements Fraktur (mager, halbfett, fett, eng, schmalfett): house font from 1910.

Schreibmaschinenschrift (900, 925, schmalfett)


Luc Devroye
School of Computer Science
McGill University
Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6