AngsanaUPC Arabic Transparent Bold (Arial with Arabic characters in the upper 128) Arabic Transparent Arial Black, Bold, Bold Italic, Regular, Italic Browallia New Regular, B, BI, I (Like a smaller, thinner version of Arial characters are smaller at the same point size) Comic Sans MS, Comic Sans MS Bold Cordia New (R,B,BI,I) CordiaUPC (R,B,BI,I) I can't tell the difference between Cordia New and CordiaUPC. Courier New (R,B,BI,I) David (Bold, Transparent, Regular) Times New Roman with Hebrew characters in the upper 128 DilleniaUPC (R,B,BI,I) style, No upper 128, "Unique Identifier" is "Fontmonger:DilennialUPC"!!?? Estrangelo Edessa No info - Typograf couldn't understand it. EucrosiaUPC B,BI,I,R Serifed Fixed Miriam Transparent - Like courier fixed with hebrew in upper 128 Franklin Gothic Medium (R,B,I,BI) Frank Ruehl (Times New Roman with hebrew in upper 128 - thinner than David) FreesiaUPC (4 faces) Sans Serif Gautami ??? Georgia (4) Impact IrisUPC (4) (no upper 128) JasmineUPC (4) (no upper 128) KodchiangUPC (4) (no upper 128) Latha (???) Levenim MT (Regular, Bold) with blocky stylized Hebrew chars) LilyUPC (4) smaller characters Lucida Console Lucida Sans Unicode Mangai ??? Marlett Microsoft Sans Serif Miriam Fixed Miriam Transparent Miriam MV Boli ??? Narkisim Palatino Linotype (4) Raavi ??? Rod Rod Transparent Shruli ??? Simplified Arabic (Bold, regular, Fixed) Sylfaen Symbol Tahoma Regular,Bold Times New Roman (4) Traditional Arabic Trebuchet Regular, Bold, Italic Tunga ??? Verdana (4) Webdings Wingdings