Analia S. Wainer Criscuolo

Analia S. Wainer Criscuolo (Anita Wainer) made a few fonts in 2005-2006 that will please all fans of the Beatles. She is an art director involved in design and production in Buenos Aires.

I am hosting this minimalist web page for her.

All her fonts in one zip file.

Perfect Match This font was designed in 2009.
John Lennon This font, created in 2006, is based on John Lennon's handwriting.
A font made in 2005 by Analia, with lettering based on the album A Hard Day's Night.
JAMONdelMAR Jamon del Mar is a band in Buenos Aires to which Analia belongs. She named her 2005 Beatles dingbat font after it.


Luc Devroye
School of Computer Science
McGill University
Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6