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Report of ATypI 2004 (by Luc Devroye) October 5, 2004 |
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Entitled "Crossroads of civilization",
the 48th ATypI
meeting in Prague, held from 30 September until 3 October,
is behind us.
The Central and East European core in the program committee
(Peter Bilak, Filip Blazek, Erik Spiekermann,
Frantisek Storm, Adam Twardoch, Emil Yakupov, Alan Záruba, Pavel Zelenka, Maxim Zhukov)
offered us
a great dose of Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian, Hungarian, Polish, Serbian
and Russian type culture.
There was the usual splatter of technical talks with a few surprise announcements,
and there were some talks by the regulars (luckily, not too many). This
was a feast by, with, and for our Central and East European friends,
which I will lovingly call typniks to save space.
I will refer to female typniks as typchiks.
Needless to say, I invariably picked the typchik and typnik sessions from the three
parallel tracks.
The city of Prague, in all its splendor, has been polluted by
big (Western) commerce and pickpockets (or are they one and
the same?). Eric Menninga got separated from his laptop,
and Jim Wasco will have to buy another digital camera.
The Archa Theater had auditoria with excellent acoustics and video equipment,
and the local student volunteers pulled out all stopkas to make things run
smoothly. Located dark and deep underground, Kafka would have felt right at home.
A comparison with previous meetings is difficult. Maybe there
are too many nowadays, with TypeCon, Typo Berlin, the Macedonian meeting,
and so many other gatherings attracting attention. There were fewer
attendees than normal (just under 400).
Some regulars, such as Matthew Carter, Jill Bell,
Hrant Papazian and the Linotype gang, were missing.
I will refrain from comments on the satellite events
except to mention that the e-a-t exhibit (experiment
and typography) organized by Johanna Balusikova and Alan Zaruba at
the Museum of Decorative Arts painted a grand picture of recent Czech
and Slovak type design.
I have nothing to say about the social happenings, because
I do not remember too much about them.
I was heartbroken that due to the parallel scheduling, I could not
listen to Johannes Küster who is working diligently
on fonts for mathematics, which is one of the topics that got
me interested in type design in the first place.
Mark and Cynthia Batty worked hard to make this event
successful. They were helped in the local arrangements by
Alan Záruba and several others. Thanks to all of you!
On with the report, in the form of soundbites.
I also have a picture report.
The quotes |
It's too late. The bullshit is already here.
[Rick Poynor about the big billboards, bad design, rampant commercialism and
visual leprosy in the streets of Prague. He lamented the probable demise of
home-grown Czech (and Central European) design and presented his Utopia, a world
in which designers would refuse to perform certain kinds of work.
In a lively Q&A session, Spiekermann suggested taking the money from the big bad
firms anyway and using that income to be creative in more charitable projects.]
They were part of my sinful youth.
[Gerard Unger about Demos and Praxis, his first typefaces, which he made from 1974-1976.
In his view, these experimental typefaces were flawed. He tweaked them in 2004 and they
are now part of the corporate identity of the Bundesrepublik.]
My dream was to design a kind of typographic Volkswagen.
[Gerard Unger, about his Demos. Demos had to be converted from the bitmap format in which
it was originally designed by Unger, a process he described at length. The outlines
generated from the bitmap needed lots of restoration work.]
By the way, you are doing a great imitation of Roger.
[David Lemon, commenting on Christian Schwartz's imitation of Roger Black's voice
over the phone ("They are idiots", 'What were you thinking?", ...) during the development
of the Houston family of typefaces for the Houston Chronicle. Christian and Roger
settled on a subdued redesign of Monotype Italian Oldstyle in which the starry quotes,
commas and periods were replaced, the serifs shortened, the x-height increased and the W
revamped, to name the main items.]
He always picked legibility over aesthetics.
[Frantisek Storm about Josef Týfa.
Josef Týfa, now 92 years old, canceled his appearance due to illness.
Pavel Zelenka talked about Týfa's life, his modesty, and his typographic
contributions. The two-minute video in which we saw Týfa in his country home
in central Bohemia pick up a ringing phone was the most touching and well done
piece of the entire meeting. Frantisek Storm provided an expert discussion of
Týfa's typefaces, which will all survive at Storm's type foundry: Antikva
(also known as ITC Tyfa to many, now extended to Tyfa Text by storm), a face with "romantic serifs",
Juvenis (originally done for children's books), and Tyfa Academia, to appear
later in 2004, when the italics will be done.
Academia was designed by Týfa for scientific text books.]
Type as a weapon.
[Part of a type demo by Lucas Nijs, who spoke about
the experimental type workshops he has been organizing in Belgium, Ireland
and Finland. His students often make short animated pieces in which new types
arec featured. The Archa3 dungeon was the right place for things like
the "PostCrypt terror font", "Killer and type", "Revenge" and "Reaper: type
as a weapon". Lucas's Belgian colleagues, Frederik De Bleser and Tom De Smedt,
concluded this entertaining session.]
He was burnt at the stake.
[Petra Cerne Oven, a Slovenian graphic designer and writer, about Jan Hus (1370-1415),
who introduced the principle of a diacritic (in his case, a dot above some letters)
in his "Orthographia Bohemia" (1406-1412). This work became the basis for modern
Czech typography. Hus was burnt at the stake in Konstanz, but not because of his
typographic convictions. Petra went on with an academic description of the development
of diacritical marks for Croatian and Slovene, a subject about which she wrote
her Ph.D. thesis in 2004 at the University of Reading.]
We will never be willing to abandon our diacritics.
[Typchik Petra Cerne Oven, at the end of her presentation, as a preemptive strike
against possible type rules that would come down from the EU offices in Brussels.]
He is a font chiropractor.
[Victor Gaultney (SIL International) introducing Adam Twardoch (Linotype).
Both of them spoke at length and with authority about diacritics in
Central European languages, though only one of them is a (Polish) typnik.
They spoke about the differences between Latin and Central European
writing systems, and thus touched upon the central issues
in Central European typography.
We learned that ogoneks are not like cedillas, as they require altered outlines for
their parent glyphs. We learned about the asymmetric hacek that some typniks
consider old-fashioned. In fact, we learned more per minute than in any other talk.]
The Polish prefer it more upright. The Czechs prefer it more flat.
[(Sic.) No, there was no lecture about the typesetting in Kamasutra.
It was Victor Gaultney explaining about the slope of the acute accent.]
Harmonize size, shape, alignment of your diacritics.
[Our two experts referring to the size and placement of dots used alone or
as part of a dieresis, or of single or double acutes.
I would never have believed that I would have survived 90 minutes of discussions
about accents, but these two magicians woke up every tired brain cell in my
sorry head. Bravo, and a Happy Hacek 2004 to all of you.]
It's in Euros.
[Mark Batty, outgoing ATypI president, to Jef Tombeur, my
uncontrollable friend, who asked in
what currency the type auction was taking place. We know that times are changing
when the pound and the dollar, the past currencies at the auctions, are
being replaced by the Euro. Victor Kharyk bought an item for an amount
equal to all the money he made on fonts in the last three years, and he is the
main Ukrainian type designer! How about that for dedication?
The books by Oldrich Menhart that I wanted to buy were all snapped up
by some rich American chicks. Booh to them.]
The Greek Phi becomes a cross!
[Yuri Gherchuk, an art historian from Moscow, about an illustration in The Book of Ruth
(1924), an important work full of symbolism. He spoke about the oeuvre of
Vladimir Favorsky, a graphic artist, painter, book designer, and philosopher who
lived from 1886-1964. In that book, a Greek Phi and a Greek Theta get married to
yield a cross. The presentation was in Russian, with translations by Maxim Zhukov.]
The Bohemians (Czechs) are deserving of your sympathy. They are the Belgians of Austria, and pro-allies.
[A quote by politically active Vojtech Preissig (1873-1944), shown to us by
Richard Kegler, who described Preissig's life. The quote from World War I was
directed at the occupiers of present-day Czechia, the Austrians.
In fact, Preissig's political activism in World War II led to his arrest in 1940
and ultimately to his death in the concentration camp in Dachau in 1944.]
His work is passionate, visionary, and deserves more study.
[Richard Kegler, concluding his presentation on Vojtech Preissig.
He described Preissig's political posters, his 20 years at the
Wentworth Institute in New York, his early Czechization of the Arlington typeface,
and Preissig's polygonal style of type design, apparent in Preissig
Antikva, a face available from foundries such as P22, Storm, White and Psy-Ops.]
He considered calligraphy as the cradle of type design.
[Typchik Veronika Burian enthused us with a brilliant description of the life and
work of Czech type designer, calligrapher and craftsman Oldrich Menhart (1897-1962).
Menhart considered himself foremost as a craftsman, and derived typefaces from
calligraphic origins. His Menhart Antiqua (1931, Bauer) had blunt serifs on the left and
wedge serifs ion the right, to guide the reader, for example. He wanted type to serve the word
and support the content. Veronika delighted us with details of Menhart Roman
and Italic (1936, Monotype), Figural Antikva and Kursiva (1948-1949), and Ceska
Unciala (1944).]
He was pretty irregular.
[Veronika, still about Menhart. His letters had subtle irregularities due
to the calligraphic background. He wanted them to be irregular, so to speak,
to make the texts set in his faces come alive.]
As you know, Czech typefaces are the best typefaces in the world.
[The opening line of Frantisek Storm, when he started his presentation on
his Czech Type Project, in which he wants to digitize, preserve, and extend most
historic Czech typefaces. This was another fantastic presentation, dripping
with juicy typographical details. Storm guided us through Antikva (Vojtech Preissig,
1912-1925), Tusar (Slavoboj Tusar, 1925), Antikva (Josef Týfa, 1960), Juvenis (Josef Týfa, 1964),
Academia (Josef Týfa, 1968), Solpera (1970), and Metron (Jiri Rathousky, 1973).
Ottokar Karlas, Storm's right hand, showed us original drawings of Preissig--too bad
those were not at the auction!
Juicy tidbit: the Czech type survey had nothing about Oldrich Menhart.
Veronika Burian had mentioned in her talk that Menhart was virtually the official type designer for the
communist government, which showered him with many awards, yet she did not think that he was
a communist. She claimed that Storm just does not like Menhart, period.]
Solpera always plays with the alternates.
[Frantisek Storm on his teacher, Professor Jan Solpera, whom he described as
a precise and patient man, who insisted on having many alternates (in his types).
Solpera's Insignia (1982) was the basis of Storm's Solpera typeface, which
can be found on Czech money nowadays.]
But Marek did it!
[This was a funny moment at the end of Storm's talk. Storm had just finished
describing the work done by Jiri Rathousky for the Czech metro, a very legible
face called Metron (1973). The face was replaced in 1986 by Helvetica, something
that clearly puzzled Storm. Rathousky had contacted Storm to digitize Metron
in 2003, but he died that same year (Rathousky, not Storm). The Storm Type Foundry
did some work though for train clocks, like Digita. Someone in the audience
thought the open 4 without the upper half of its vertical was kind of
odd, to which Storm replied: "But Marek [Pistora, another designer at Storm type Foundry]
did it!"]
He was a web designer before the internet.
[Iva Knobloch, curator of the Museum of Decorative arts in Prague and tireless typchik,
on Ladislav Sutnar (1897-1970s), a Czech-born information designer who spent most of
his life in the United States, and was famous for his visualuations of
information and carefully crafted catalogs and graphs. Sutnar designed over 1000 books.]
This is a design gulag. When we get their graduates, we have to de-baselize them.
[Erik Spiekermann introducing Andrea Marks, who was educated at the Basel
School of Design.]
It is worse than under Stalinist rule.
[Andrea Marks showed us a 20-minute rough cut of "Freedom on the fence", a documentary
about Polish posters, which thrived from the late 50s until the mid 60s.
these posters had exquisite handlettering, many subversive messages (that had to
get past the censors), and tons of visual content and symbolism.
She showed us pictures of modern Warsaw, with Hollywood-style ads often
occupying four stories worth of space on the main historic plazas (namestis) of the city.
The quote above is from one aging poster artist interviewed by her.
This was the second emotional highlight of the conference.]
Comrade Maxim.
[Erik Spiekermann introducing Maxim Zhukov as the translator of Vladimir
Yefimov (ParaType), who illustrated his talk about the origins and evolution of
the Cyrillic alphabet with wonderful black and white images. He explained among
other things the historic Cyrillic type classification,
starting with ustav (formal hand) and polyustav or semi-ustav.]
In 1988, we had Bookman and Helvetica, the most horrible typefaces you can imagine.
[Martin Majoor on the font situation for the Mac in 1988. He explained where
his motivation for the development of Scala came from.
Interesting to learn that his role model was Jan van Krimpen, even though he did not like his
Martin lives in Warsaw and Arnhem, hence the title "A Dutchman in Poland".
Martin revealed that the first font sketches of FF Seria were made in the train between his two
Like Univers and Helvetica and all the other ugly typefaces.
[Martin on a roll. He explained how he develops font families from a common skeleton:
first comes the serif. Then he develops the sans by removing the serifs. Finally, it is easy
to fit slabs to the sans face, to end up with a "mix" or "slab" version.
He also showed us FF Nexus (nexus is the Latin word for connection), in the same three versions,
plus swash and typewriter versions.]
I really don't care about accents.
[Yep, our demi typnik Martin again, when he got involved in the design of posters in Warsaw
for the Warsaw Autumn (music) Festival. I had the feeling that diacritics were his least
favorite part of Poland, his wife being his most favorite. We also learned that
Gorzka is his favorite vodka.]
I am happy with four of them.
[These words were spoken by Jovica Veljovic, the famous Serb calligrapher who
now teaches in Hamburg. He showed a Czech sentence in his Silentium Pro, and
complained about the number of different diacritics. Silentium Pro is derived from Carolingian characters,
so it does not make sense, for example, to have a Cyrillic version.
He confessed liking Adobe, and explained about his more recent
script family Sava Pro, which has Greek and Cyrillic versions, and is named after
a popular man, the archbishop of Serbia, who lived around 1300. He spoke a lot about Serbia
and Montenegro, and even though Jovica's tall body is parked in Hamburg, his heart motors on
in Belgrade.]
I am not interested in the Ikea philosophy.
[Uttered by Jovica just before he treated us to a sneak preview of Veljovic Script Pro,
which was started in the early 90s, but is still not finished. It will be a multilingual
face, close to handwriting. He always starts a typeface from scratch, and is turned off by the Ikea
assembly method, which consists of fitting serifs and slabs and pieces of letters
together. A knife perhaps in the back of Martin Majoor, who had the
floor just before him? In any case, Jovica works slowly and carefully and releases faces only when he
is totally satisfied.]
I never liked bold typefaces.
[Jovica again, speaking straight from the heart.]
The pattern of contrast that derives from the movement of a hand with a particular tool.
[Get your mind out of the gutter! This was John Hudson's definition of "ductus", which is an integral part
of the identity of a letterform. Since the ductus (roughly, the angle of the pen when stroking a character)
for Greek and Latin are generally different, the question is how to manage this when developing a large
multilingual typeface. In this panel discussion, which was more a sequence of five monologues,
Victor Gaultney raised other problems such as how to match sizes in scripts in which x-height makes
no sense. Geraldine Wade (Microsoft) talked about the ClearType project at Microsoft, in which
Microsoft releases six Western families (Calibri and Consolas by Luc(as) de Groot,
Candara by Gary Munch, Corbel by Jeremy Tankard,
Cambria by Jelle Bosma, and the extraordinary Constantia by
John Hudson) and one full Japo-Western family, Meiryo, developed by Eiichi Kono
and Matthew Carter. That was big news!
The other participants were Gerry Leonidas (Reading) and Vladimir Yefimov, who showed us
examples of typefaces in which the Cyrillic version came before the Latin.]
Type 1 typefaces: good riddance to them.
[Gerry Leonidas drooling about OpenType on the panel.]
Adobe will stop selling them in the near future.
[Thomas Phinney (Adobe) explained that Adobe will stop selling type 1
faces soon. His talk was about the demise of the multiple master format. He also
discussed the GX format, and could not resist plugging OpenType, although strictly speaking,
OpenType has nothing to do with the idea of multiple masters. Personally, I think
that OpenType is so flawed that its lifetime too will be limited. The UFO (universal font
format) of Erik Van Blokland, speaker in an earlier session, or similar approaches are
the way to go. But more about that elsewhere.]
And the awards |
Prettiest type showings: Vladimir Yefimov |
Luc Devroye |