The BERTLib Library
The fonts made by BERTLib,
which claims to have "acquired" all typeface sources from the bankrupt
Berthold company. But so does BertholdTypes in Chicago, so I am confused.
BERTLib had to change some font names, so here are some quick notes
on their library.
- Aldo Novarese
- Eurostile ST.
- Remus ST: This is the sports lettering font Colossal (or Colossalis) from 1984.
- American Typefounders
- Bernd Möllenstädt
- TNT Form (+Condensed) ST: This is Formata.
- Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue
- Bruce Rogers
- Pegasus XP: Centaur (by Bruce Rogers and Frederic Warde).
- Claude Garamond
- Garamond Condensed ST.
- Garamond XP.
- David Quay
- Eric Gill
- London Sans ST: This is Gill Sans.
- Erik Spiekermann
- Adlon Sans ST: This is Block Berthold by Heinz Hoffmann.
- Adlon Serif ST: This is Lo-Type (1913, Louis Oppenheim). Adaptation by Spiekermann for Berthold in 1980.
- Facsimilie Fonts
- Frederic Warde
- Pegasus XP (with Bruce Rogers): Centaur.
- Friedrich Berthold
- Primus Antiqua ST: I have no idea who Friedrich Berthold is. The original founder of Berthold was Hermann Berthold.
- Georg Trump
- Trump Tower ST: This must be Trump's athletic lettering face City (1930).
- Giambattista Bodoni
- Bodoni XP.
- Bodoni Text XP.
- Bodoni Condensed ST.
- Gustav Jaeger
- Cosmea ST: This could be Jaeger's Cosmos.
- Dekora ST: A sans family, possibly based on Jaeger's Delta.
- Günter Gerhard Lange
- Caslon Text XP: this is Lange's Caslon Buch , aka Berthold Caslon Book.
- Elega ST.
- Mirage Condensed ST.
- Mirage New XP.
- Mirage XP.
- Standard Grotesk Next ST.
- Supersonic ST.
- Heinz Hoffmann
- Adlon Sans ST: Digitized by Erik Spiekermann.
- Herbert Post
- Inland Typefoundry of St. Louis
- Stonewall ST: An Egyptian face.
- John Baskerville
- Baskerville XP.
- Baskerville Text XP.
- Justus Erich Walbaum
- Walbaum XP.
- Walbaum Text XP.
- Karl Gerstner
- KG Vera ST: Is this Gerstner Original from 1987?
- KG Privata ST.
- Louis Oppenheim
- Adlon Serif ST: This is Lo-Type (1913, Louis Oppenheim). Adaptation by Spiekermann for Berthold in 1980. The BERTLib page credits this to Louis Oppenheimer--maybe related to Robert Oppenheimert, the inventor of the atom bomb?
- Morris Fuller Benton
- Cheltenham Old Style ST.
- Franklin Gothic Three ST.
- Garamont Amsterdam XP.
- Nicolas Cochin
- Otl Aicher
- Allgau Sans ST: Rotis (1988).
- Schriftenatelier Taufkirchen
- Needleprinter Schrift ST.
- Lateinische Ausgangsschrift Pro: A script for school kids.
- Standard Grotesk Condensed ST.
- Standard Grotesk Extended ST.
- Standard Grotesk Extra Condensed ST.
- Standard Grotesk ST.
- Vereinfachte Ausgangsschrift Pro: A script for school kids.
- Thomas Maitland Cleland
- Various designs
- Caslon Text XP: Digitized by G.G. Lange.
- William Caslon
- Europa Grotesk ST.
- Europa Grotesk Condensed ST.