Past seminars
CARP Seminar Series,
Université de Montréal,
organized by Louigi Addario-Berry. It meets on Tuesdays, 4-5pm, Room 4186, Pavillon André Aisenstadt.
- September 9, 2008: Colin McDiarmid, Oxford, Random graphs for a minor-closed class.
- September 16, 2008: Christina Goldschmidt, Oxford, Behaviour near the extinction time in stable fragmentation processes.
- September 23, 2008: Louigi Addario-Berry, Université de Montréal, Branching random walks, killed at their critical slope.
- September 30, 2008: Nicolas Broutin, INRIA, The height of unlabelled binary trees.
- October 14, 2008: Gabor Lugosi, Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Randomized sequential prediction: performance bounds and algorithms.
- October 28, 2008: Ross Kang, McGill University, The t-dependence and t-improper chromatic numbers of random graphs.
- November 4, 2008: Pawel Pralat, Dalhousie University, Cleaning regular graphs with brushes.
- November 11, 2008: Lea Popovic, Concordia University, Signaling in a random Boolean network.
- November 25, 2008: Ariel Gabizon, Simon Fraser University, A Recycling Paradigm for Extracting many Random Bits.
- December 2, 2008: Eric Nguyen, Université de Montréal, Discrete-time branching random walks and Biggins' theorem.
Discrete Mathematics Seminar at McGill University. Run by Adrian Vetta and Sean Kennedy, the seminars are usually held on Monday from 4:30-5:30pm at McGill University's Burnside Hall, room 1205. There are also Thursday afternoon problem-solving seminars managed by Neil Olver.
A subset of the speakers:
- September 3, 2008: Anna Galluccio, CNR Rome, On the stable set polytope of claw-free graphs.
- September 8, 2008: Kazuo Iwama, Kyoto University, Competitive auctions with collusion.
- September 15, 2008: Caterina De Simone, CNR Rome, Optimal colouring of the edges of the join of two regular graphs.
- September 22, 2008: Yoshiaki Oda, Keio University, Special cases of the vehicle routing problem.
- September 29, 2008: Christophe Weibel, McGill University, f-vectors of Minkowski sums of polytopes.
- October 6, 2008: Simon Gravel, Cornell, Think locally, act globally: how to search with iterated maps.
- October 20, 2008: Peter Winkler, Dartmouth, Branched polymers.
- October 22, 2008: Jessica McDonald, University of Waterloo, Multigraphs with high chromatic index.
- October 27, 2008: Gordon Wilfong, Bell Labs, A Fractional Model of the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).
- November 3, 2008: Martin Gairing, ICSI Berkeley, Covering Games: Approximation through Non-Cooperation.
- November 24, 2008: Sebastian Cioaba, University of Toronto, Recent developments in spectral graph theory.
- December 1, 2008: Heidi Gebauer, ETH Zurich, On the number of Hamilton Cycles in 3-regular graphs.
- December 3, 2008: Penny Haxell, University of Waterloo, On the coprimality graph.
- February 2, 2009: Gabor N. Sarkozy, Hungarian academy of Sciences, On the Regularity Method.
(Concordia Computational Combinatorial Optimization Laboratory).
Thursday afternoons from 4 to 6, room EV3.101, coordinated by Vaek Chvátal
and Ehsan Chiniforooshan.
Algorithms Seminar at McGill University. Infrequent seminars, typically on Wednesday afternoons in McGill University's McConnell Engineering Building, room 320.
Previous workshops
Combinatorics, Probability and Algorithms, a month of short courses at the CRM (Centre de recherches mathématiques) in Montreal, all of May 2003. Speakers: Noga Alon, Alan Frieze, Janos Pach, Laszlo Lovasz, Endre Szemeredi, Vasek Chvatal, Gabor Lugosi, Imre Baranyi.
Probabilistic Combinatorics: Recent Progress and New Frontiers, held at the
Banff International Research Station, Banff, Canada,
from October 29 until November 3, 2005.
Analysis of Algorithms 2006 (AofA 2006), held in Alden Biesen, Belgium, from July 2-8 2006. This was the 12th annual meeting of the Analysis of Algorithms community.
The Fourth Annual Workshop on Probabilistic Combinatorics and WVD took place
from March 29-April 5 2009 at McGill University's Bellairs Institute in Barbados. It was organized by Louigi Addario-Berry.
Previous editions:
From March 23-30, 2008, Bruce Reed organized The Third Annual Workshop on Probabilistic Combinatorics and WVD
at McGill University's Bellairs Institute
in Barbados.
Probabilistic Method and WVD (Second Annual Workshop, March 25-April 1, 2007), and The First Annual Workshop on the Probabilistic Method in 2006 preceded the 2008 meeting.
Workhsop on Cops and Robbers games and related topics, Université de Montréal, October 31-November 2, 2008, has a number of very interesting talks of a combinatorial and/or probabilistic nature. Speakers include Pawel Pralat and Anthony Bonato, among others. Organized by Gena Hahn.
From May 4-8, 2009, the Combinatorics, Algorithms, Randomization and
Probability Workshop was held at the CRM in Montreal.
This workshop was sponsored by CRM and PIMS during a thematic year entitled Challenges and Perspectives in Probability. There were 40 invited speakers.
Benny Sudakov, Micheal Krivelevich and Bruce Reed
organized a workshop on Probabilistic and Extremal Combinatorics at
BIRS (Banff International
Research Station) in Banff from August 23-28, 2009.