Imprimerie L. Danel was founded in 1698,
as a successor of Imprimerie Fache, which existed in Lille
since the early 1600s.
It has remained a family business, and occupies
two factories, one in Lille, and one in Loos.
It appears that some original type was made by L. Danel
over the years, although it cannot be said that
such was the focus of the business.
The "Livret Typographique L. Danel" (Lille, 1935)
describes some of the history and typefaces.
The Danel faces
Danel created some typefaces such as
Danel Romain and
Danel Italique.
However, the steelplate face Taille-douce-Azurée
is one of the most elegant faces in the collection.
The entire collection is, in fact, very French, with
many faces that have their origins in the Bodoni-Didot
era (which happens to coincide with Napoleon's reign).