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<...> [Google]
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5Pts [Google]
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8 Faces [Elliot Jay Stocks]
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A3 [Bram Vermeyen]
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A4 [Google]
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Alessandro Tartaglia [FF3300]
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Alphabet Farm Journal [Sumner Stone]
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Apply [Google]
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Artistica [Google]
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Atomik [Google]
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Bakoma fonts [Basil K. Malyshev]
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baseline [Google]
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Basil K. Malyshev [Bakoma fonts]
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Bethany Heck [The Font Review Journal]
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Bibliologia [Google]
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Bram Vermeyen [A3]
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Bright Ideas Magazine [Gail Conwell]
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BrouteMag [Google]
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Bund für Deutsche Schrift und Sprache [Google]
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Cadernos de Tipografia [Google]
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CAP Design [Per Torberger]
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CAP On-Line [Google]
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Claudia Rocha Franco [Tupigrafia]
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Codex [John Boardley]
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CODEX [Google]
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Comedia: Revue suisse de l'imprimerie [Google]
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Création Numérique [Google]
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Creative Pro [Google]
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Czechoslovak TeX Users Group [Google]
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David Fleming Nalle [Scriptorium (Ragnarok Press, Fontcraft)]
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De Stijl [Google]
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De(-)fis [Google]
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Deleatur [Google]
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Department Typography [Fred Showker]
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Design, Typography and Graphics On-line Magazine [Google]
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Design&Publishing Center [Google]
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Desktop Publishers Journal [More] ⦿
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Desktop-Dialog [More] ⦿
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El Tipo [Google]
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Electronic Publishing [Nelson Beebe]
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Elliot Jay Stocks [8 Faces]
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Emerge Extra [Google]
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Emigre [Google]
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Eye Magazine [Google]
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FF3300 [Alessandro Tartaglia]
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Flourishes [Google]
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font magazine [Google]
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Font Magazine [Google]
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Font Magazine [Google]
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FontSite [Sean Cavanaugh]
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Fred Showker [Department Typography]
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FUSE [Google]
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F-Wort.net [Google]
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Gail Conwell [Bright Ideas Magazine]
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Garth Walker [Orange Juice Design]
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Grafema [Google]
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Graphic Exchange Magazine [Google]
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Greek Font Society [Google]
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Grrr [Google]
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Heike Häser [typemotion]
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Holominds [Google]
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How [Google]
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Hyphen A Typographic Forum [Google]
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Icograda [Google]
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Idea mag [Google]
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i-jusi [Google]
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IMPRINT TeSRE Archive [Google]
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Index.ru [Google]
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Ink Magazine [Pierre Delmas Bouly]
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Insite, the ezine at Phil's Fonts [Google]
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International Journal of Digital Typography [Google]
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Invers [Google]
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ISLAS CIES magazine [Google]
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Japan Typography Association [Google]
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Joe Clark, Toronto Writer [Google]
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Johannes König [Melville Brand Design]
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John Boardley [Codex]
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Joshua King [Google]
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Kafka Design [Google]
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Kak [Katerina Kozhukhova]
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Katachi [Ken Olling]
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Katerina Kozhukhova [Kak]
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Ken Olling [Katachi]
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kopelow.com [Google]
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La Police [Google]
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Letter Arts Review [Google]
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LetterArts [Google]
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Letterspace [Paul Shaw]
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Linda Kudrnovská [TYPO]
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Linotype Matrix [Google]
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Livetype [Pedro Reis Amado]
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Magwerk [Google]
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Melville Brand Design [Johannes König]
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MetaCulture [Google]
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MetaType [More] ⦿
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MUSE [Google]
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Nadia Samadi [Pica Magazine]
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Nelson Beebe [Electronic Publishing]
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Nicholas Fabian [Type Designs by Nicholas Fabian]
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Orange Juice Design [Garth Walker]
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ParaType News [Google]
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Paul Shaw [Letterspace]
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Paulo Heitlinger [Google]
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Pedro Reis Amado [Livetype]
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Per Torberger [CAP Design]
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Peter Reichard [Spatium Newsletter]
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Pica Magazine [Nadia Samadi]
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Pierre Delmas Bouly [Ink Magazine]
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Ping Mag [Google]
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Pixelfreak [Google]
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Planète Typographie [Google]
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Printing History [Google]
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Proektor [Google]
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PTF Gazette [Google]
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Publications GUTenberg [Google]
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Publish Magazine [Google]
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Punchcut [Google]
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Raquel Pelta [Visual.gi]
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Règles:Zéro [Google]
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Revista Tiypo [Google]
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Robert Fauver [Typeology]
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SangBleu [Google]
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Sans Serif: On-line typography magazine [Google]
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Scriptorium (Ragnarok Press, Fontcraft) [David Fleming Nalle]
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Sean Cavanaugh [FontSite]
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Seong Ah Choi [Yoon Design Institute]
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Serif: The Magazine of Type & Typography [Google]
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Shift Magazin [Google]
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Short Cuts [Google]
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Signa [Google]
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Skylla Magazin [Google]
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Smashing Magazine: Fonts [Google]
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Smashing Type - Letterform Appreciation Online [Google]
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Soap [Google]
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Spatium Newsletter [Peter Reichard]
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Sumner Stone [Alphabet Farm Journal]
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superlow.com [Google]
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Tachy [Google]
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The Dezine Cafe [Google]
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The Font Review Journal [Bethany Heck]
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The PracTeX Journal [Google]
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The Terminal [Google]
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The Terminal [Google]
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Tipo E [Google]
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tipoGráfica [Google]
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Tipoitalia [Google]
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TipoItalia [Google]
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Tribe [Google]
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Tribe [Google]
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Tupigrafia [Claudia Rocha Franco]
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TYP Observatoire Typographique [Google]
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TYP (Typografisch Papier) [Google]
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Type [Google]
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Type Designs by Nicholas Fabian [Nicholas Fabian]
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Type Eye [Google]
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typemotion [Heike Häser]
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TypeNotes [Google]
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Typeology [Robert Fauver]
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TYPO [Linda Kudrnovská]
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Typofile [Google]
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Typografische Monatsblätter [Google]
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typographer.com [Google]
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typograpunx [Google]
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U&lc Online [Google]
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Vaya Tipo [Google]
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Vignette [Google]
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Vilvi [Google]
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Visual.gi [Raquel Pelta]
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Web Design Clinic [Google]
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WebSchrift [Google]
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Wysiwyg Software Design GMbH [Google]
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x-height magazine [Google]
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Yoon Design Institute [Seong Ah Choi]
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