TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:43:30 EDT 2025






Apfel Type Foundry

Apfel Type Foundry (London, UK) was launched in 2020. The initial team consists of Kirsty Carter (Director), Emma Thomas (Director), Daniel Griffiths (Associate Director), Joanna Rutter (Senior Designer), Olivia Diaz (Senior Designer), Matt Kay (Junior Designer) and Jason Wolfe. Apfel stands for A Practice for Everyday Life. It engages in custom and retail type. Initially, in 2020, it had four retail typefaces:

  • Marquis (2021). A humanist sans by Jason Wolfe. This is a contemporary reinterpretation of the Stephenson Blake typeface Granby (1930), which was itself influenced by the letter forms of Johnston and Futura.
  • Certeau. A sans typeface with a short-legged e. They write: Influenced both by geometric Modernist monoline typefaces and by examples of Dutch and German sans-serif typography from the 1930s, Certeau evolved through research into type styles that strike a balance between rationality and idiosyncrasy.
  • Lining. A sans with large counters designed by Jason Wolfe. Apfel writes: A contemporary reinterpretation of a sans-serif typeface family first advertised by the American Type Founders Company in 1897.
  • Remnants. Remnants is a skyline style typeface that is based on a display type found on an old Serbian book cover, and was expanded to encompass a full Latin character set which captures a sense of the beauty of the Cyrillic alphabet.
  • Periferia. An experimental stencil typeface.

Apfel also released these typefaces made by Jason Wolfe: Asia Art Archive, the various Camper typefaces, and Friedel (2021).

Custom typefaces include Piloti (a light flared sans with large x-height, for Feilden Fowles), Elle Play Display (2017, a headline typeface for Elle UK), House of Voltaire, Apfel AB (a quadrangulated typeface done with Anthony Burrill), Camulodunum (2011; Display and Stencil), Camper (2014; in SS15, SS16 and AW15 styles), V&A Dundee (stencil), Royal Docks, Asia art Archive Display.

Apfel Type Foundry
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Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Corporate typefaces ⦿ Type design in the United Kingdom ⦿ Stencil fonts ⦿ Skyline Typefaces ⦿ Fashion mag typefaces ⦿

file name: Apfel Type Foundry Anthony Burrill Apfel A B

file name: Apfel Type Foundry Asia Art Archive Display

file name: Apfel Type Foundry Camper A W15 2014

file name: Apfel Type Foundry Camper S S15 2014

file name: Apfel Type Foundry Camper S S16 2014

file name: Apfel Type Foundry Camulodunum Display 2011

file name: Apfel Type Foundry Camulodunum Stencil 2011

file name: Apfel Type Foundry Elle Play Display 2017

file name: Apfel Type Foundry Elle Play Display 2017

file name: Apfel Type Foundry Elle Play Display 2017

file name: Apfel Type Foundry House Of Voltaire

file name: Apfel Type Foundry House Of Voltaire

file name: Apfel Type Foundry House Of Voltaire

file name: Apfel Type Foundry Marquis 2021

file name: Apfel Type Foundry Piloti

file name: Apfel Type Foundry Royal Docks

file name: Apfel Type Foundry V A Dundee

file name: Apfel Type Foundry Certeau 2020

file name: Apfel Type Foundry Certeau 2020

file name: Apfel Type Foundry Certeau 2020

file name: Apfel Type Foundry Lining 2020

file name: Apfel Type Foundry Lining 2020

file name: Apfel Type Foundry Periferia 2020

file name: Apfel Type Foundry Periferia 2020

file name: Apfel Type Foundry Remnants 2020

file name: Apfel Type Foundry Remnants 2020

file name: Apfel Type Foundry Remnants 2020

file name: Apfel Type Foundry Remnants 2020

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html