TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:43:41 EDT 2025






Applied Design Works

Applied Design Works was founded in 2015, with offices in New York and Los Angeles. In their own words, Applied specializes in design, planning, strategy, and implementation for a broad range of mission-driven organizations. Their team includes Craig Dobie, Founding Creative Director, Brad Scott, Founding Managing Director, and Elliott Scott, Creative Director.

Atkinson Hyperlegible (2019-2020) is a free neo-grotesque typeface created by Applied Design Works for Braille Institute of America, Inc, which is based in Los Angeles. Named after Braille Institute founder, J. Robert Atkinson, it has been developed specifically to increase legibility for readers with low vision, and to improve character recognition. The project was the winner of the Graphic Design category in Fast Company's 2019 Innovation by Design Awards. In this video, Craig Dobie, Brad Scott, and Elliott Scott provide a behind-the-scenes look at the development of Atkinson Hyperlegible. Google Fonts link.

The physical 4-style font family was designed by Elliott Scott, Megan Eiswerth, Linus Boman and Theodore Petrosky.

Atkinson Hyperlegible differentiates common misinterpreted letters and numbers using various design techniques:

  • Recognizable Footprints: Character boundaries clearly defined, ensuring understanding across the visual-ability spectrum.
  • Differentiated letterforms: similar letter pairs are differentiated from each other to dramatically increase legibility.
  • Unambiguous Characters: designed to increase legibility and distinction.
  • Exaggerated forms: shaping of letters is exaggerated to provide better clarity.
  • Opened Counterspace: open areas of certain letters are expanded to provide greater distinction.
  • Angled spurs and differentiated tails: they increase recognition and define distinctive style.

CTAN link.

Applied Design Works
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Type scene in New York ⦿ Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Type scene in California ⦿ Braille typefaces ⦿ Readability & Legibility ⦿

file name: Craig Dobie Brad Scott Elliott Scott Atkinson Hyperlegible Video 2019

file name: Craig Dobie Brad Scott Elliott Scott Atkinson Hyperlegible Video 2019

file name: Craig Dobie Brad Scott Elliott Scott Atkinson Hyperlegible Video 2019

file name: Craig Dobie Brad Scott Elliott Scott Atkinson Hyperlegible Video 2019

file name: Craig Dobie Brad Scott Elliott Scott Atkinson Hyperlegible Video 2019

file name: Craig Dobie Brad Scott Elliott Scott Atkinson Hyperlegible Video 2019

file name: Craig Dobie Brad Scott Elliott Scott Atkinson Hyperlegible Video 2019

file name: Craig Dobie Brad Scott Elliott Scott Atkinson Hyperlegible Video 2019

file name: Craig Dobie Brad Scott Elliott Scott Atkinson Hyperlegible Video 2019

file name: Craig Dobie Brad Scott Elliott Scott Atkinson Hyperlegible Video 2019

file name: Craig Dobie Brad Scott Elliott Scott Atkinson Hyperlegible Video 2019

file name: Craig Dobie Brad Scott Elliott Scott Atkinson Hyperlegible Video 2019

file name: Craig Dobie Brad Scott Elliott Scott Atkinson Hyperlegible Video 2019

file name: Elliott Scott Megan Eiswerth Linus Boman Theodore Petrosky Atkinson Hyperlegible 2020

file name: Elliott Scott Megan Eiswerth Linus Boman Theodore Petrosky Atkinson Hyperlegible 2020

file name: Elliott Scott Megan Eiswerth Linus Boman Theodore Petrosky Atkinson Hyperlegible 2020

file name: Elliott Scott Megan Eiswerth Linus Boman Theodore Petrosky Atkinson Hyperlegible 2019

file name: Elliott Scott Megan Eiswerth Linus Boman Theodore Petrosky Atkinson Hyperlegible 2019

file name: Elliott Scott Megan Eiswerth Linus Boman Theodore Petrosky Atkinson Hyperlegible 2019

file name: Elliott Scott Megan Eiswerth Linus Boman Theodore Petrosky Atkinson Hyperlegible Bold 2019

file name: Elliott Scott Megan Eiswerth Linus Boman Theodore Petrosky Atkinson Hyperlegible Bold 2019

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html