TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Mon Mar 3 11:43:24 EST 2025






Mark Zhu

Mark Zhu is a remarkable type designer and photographer in Paris, France, who focuses on multi-script type design and calligraphy. Graduate of the MATD program at the University of Reading, class of 2020. His typefaces:

  • His graduation typeface at Reading was Suyab (2020), a multi-script typeface family intended for language-learning textbooks and other complex multi-script typesetting environments, covering four scripts of various writing directions: Latin, Arabic, Chinese, and Mongolian. Each script includes three styles for text (Text, Sans & Informal) each in three weights, and one display style in black. The name of the typeface comes from the ancient Silk Road city, Suyab, located in present-day Kyrgyzstan. The city had been an intersection of cultures and languages, ruled by many different civilisations at various points of history, including Sogdian (Iranian), Turkic, and Chinese. It is difficult to phathom that one person can design such a humongous typeface in just one year.
  • Vernicia (2019), developed during the TypeParis19 course. Vernicia is a serif typeface family exploring a natural fusion between Latin and Chinese calligraphy. The typeface is intended for literature and books, especially those translated from the Chinese language.
  • Prosodia. Prosodia is a partial-revival typeface intended for setting classical Chinese poetry and related content, supporting Chinese and basic Latin. The design of the Chinese characters draws inspiration from an 18th-century block-printed book, Imperial Collection of Tunes, which is a compilation of metrical patterns used to guide the writing of classical ci poetry. The design extracts key features from the type in this book and mix them with modern standard Songti character structures that are more friendly to the present-day readers.
  • Cliff. An inscriptional typeface inspired by the Chinese Wei regular script calligraphy from around 5th century CE, especially the Northern Wei Empire. The script is characterized by robust form, heavy weight, rather wide proportions, and sharp corners and points. Most existing examples of this script are inscriptions on stelae, tombstones, statues, and cliffs. The Latin companion is reimagined to be written with a Chinese pointed brush.

Mark Zhu
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type design in France ⦿ Type design in China ⦿ Typefaces and type design for Arabic ⦿ Brush script typefaces ⦿

file name: Mark Zhu Cliff 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Cliff 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Cliff 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Cliff 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Cliff 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Cliff 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Cliff 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Prosodia 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Prosodia 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Prosodia 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Prosodia 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Prosodia 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Prosodia 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Prosodia 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Prosodia 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Suyab 2020

file name: Mark Zhu Suyab 2020

file name: Mark Zhu Suyab 2020

file name: Mark Zhu Suyab 2020

file name: Mark Zhu Suyab 2020

file name: Mark Zhu Suyab 2020

file name: Mark Zhu Suyab 2020

file name: Mark Zhu Suyab 2020

file name: Mark Zhu Suyab 2020

file name: Mark Zhu Suyab 2020

file name: Mark Zhu Suyab 2020

file name: Mark Zhu Suyab 2020

file name: Mark Zhu Suyab 2020

file name: Mark Zhu Suyab 2020

file name: Mark Zhu Vernicia 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Vernicia 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Vernicia 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Vernicia 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Vernicia 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Vernicia 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Vernicia 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Vernicia 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Vernicia 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Vernicia 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Vernicia 2019

file name: Mark Zhu Pic

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html