TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:44:15 EDT 2025






Proportionally spaced typefaces with a monospaced appearance [Christopher Bergmann]

Christopher Bergmann compiled a list of proportionally spaced typefaces with a monospaced appearance. Others suggested additions and modifications on Twitter. The combined table:

  • 1973: Bulletin Typewriter (Mecanorma) based on Morris Fuller Benton's 1933 font for ATF. A proportionally spaced version was only available in phototype and transfer lettering formats.
  • 1974: American Typewriter by Joel Kaden & Tony Stan (ITC)
  • 1989: Officina Sans & Serif by Erik Spiekermann & Just van Rossum (ITC)
  • 1996-1998: Letter Gothic Text by Albert Pinggera (FontFont)
  • 1999: TypeStar by Steffen Sauerteig (FontFont)
  • 2000: Bs Monofaked by Mario Feliciano (Feliciano Type Foundry)
  • 2000: New Letter Gothic by Gayaneh Bagdasaryan (Paratype), based on the monospaced Letter Gothic font by Roger Roberson, 1956-1962
  • 2001: Courier Sans by James Goggin (Lineto)
  • 2007: Newsletter by Ingo Krepinsky (Die Typonauten)
  • 2008: Generika by Alexander Colby (Milieu Grotesque)
  • 2008: Lacrima Senza & Serif by Alexander Colby (Milieu Grotesque)
  • 2008-2010: Lekton by Luciano Perondi and students at ISIA Urbino (Google Fonts)
  • 2010: Typewriter by Henrik Kubel (A2-TYPE)
  • 2011: Hellschreiber Sans & Serif by Jörg Schmitt
  • 2011: Relative Faux by Stephen Gill & The Entente (Colophon Foundry)
  • 2011: Signika by Anna Giedrys (Google Fonts)
  • 2012: Anaheim by Vernon Adams (Google Fonts)
  • 2012: Executive by Gavillet & Rust (Optimo)
  • 2013: Documan by Martin Vacha (Displaay Type Foundry)>
  • 2014: Input Sans & Serif by David Jonathan Ross DJR)
  • 2014: Queue by Tal Leming (Typesupply)
  • 2014: Triplicate by Matthew Butterick
  • 2015: Monoid (Andreas Larsen)
  • 2015: Clone by Lasko Dzurovski (Rosetta)
  • 2016: Millimetre by Jérémy Landes (Velvetyne Type Foundry)
  • 2016: Operator by Andy Clymer (Hoefler & Co.)
  • 2016: Proportional by George Triantafyllakos (Atypical)
  • 2017: Attribute Text by Viktor Nübel (FontFont)
  • 2017: Bitcount Prop by Petr van Blokland (TYPETR)
  • 2017: Comspot Tec by Nils Thomsen (TypeMates)
  • 2017: iA Writer Duospace (based on IBM Plex Mono by Mike Abbink & Bold Monday). Pieter van Rosmalen says that this not a good example, because it's just a monospaced typeface with only m and w altered. From the same author, Oliver Reichenstein, we also have iA Writer Quattro (2017).
  • 2017: Ultraproxi by Ray Larabie (Typodermic Fonts)
  • 2018: Clincher Duo by Alexander Lubovenko (ParaType)
  • 2018: Covik Sans Mono by James Edmondson (OH no Type Co)
  • 2018: Drive Prop by Elliott Amblard & Jérémie Hornus (Black[Foundry])
  • 2018: Tuner by Simon Renaud (Production Type)
  • 2019: Recursive Sans by Stephen Nixon (Arrow Type)

Proportionally spaced typefaces with a monospaced appearance
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Monospaced fonts ⦿ Morris Fuller Benton ⦿

file name: Mike Abbink Paulvander Laan Pietervan Rosmalen Oliver Reichenstein i A Writer Quattro S Bold 2017

file name: Roger Roberson Gayaneh Bagdasaryan New Letter Gothic 1999

file name: Roger Roberson Gayaneh Bagdasaryan New Letter Gothic 1999

file name: Roger Roberson Gayaneh Bagdasaryan New Letter Gothic 1999

file name: David Jonathan Ross Input Sans

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html