TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Mon Mar 3 11:13:55 EST 2025






Treacyfaces [Joe Treacy]

Joseph Treacy's West Haven, CT-based foundry selling hundreds of fonts. Names start with TF. In total, 320 typefaces by Joe Treacy himself and a few independent designers. The entire collection costs about 5000 dollars. Individual fonts at about 29 USD a shot. Treacyfaces acquired the phototype collection from Headliners (New York), so some of Treacy's typefaces are digitizations from that collection. Joe's typefaces include DuffyScript, Armada, EmpireState, Grange, Montauk, TFNeueNeuland, TF Nouveau Riche, Polaris, Poynder, TF Renoir, Romantiq, Saginaw, Siena, TFAdefabc, TFAdepta, TFAkimbo, TFArdent, TFArrow, TFAvian, TFBaccarat, TFBrynMawr, TFCaslon, TFCaslonDisplay, TFCaslonTen, TFCavalier, TFCoffeebean, TFDashes, TFDierama, TFFatType, TFFinny, TFForever, TFFoxfire, TFGary (handwriting of Gary Eckstein, done by Gary), TFGuestSten, TFGuestcheck, TFHabitat, TFHoneyspot, TFHotelmodCalligr, TFHotelmodTwo, TFHotelmoderne, TFMaltbyAntique, TFMasterstroke, TFOverfield, TFPosneg, TFPuzzle, TFRaincheck, TFRoux, TFRouxBorders, TFShotelmoderne, TFSimper, TFSolution, TFSquiggleCncery, TF Hotel Moderne, ThreeTen, TodaySB, TF Trantino, Vignette, TFMatterhorn, TFForever Monospace, TFCrossword Script and Serif, TF Cavalier Upright, TF Burko OSF, TF Barchowsky Fluent Hand, TF Bistro, TF Avian OSF, TF Arrow Italic, TF Ardent Monospace, TF Accidentals, TF Adepta OSF.

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file name: Joe Treacy Catalog

file name: Joe Treacy T F Bistro

file name: Joe Treacy T F Bistro

file name: Joe Treacy T F Caslon

file name: Joe Treacy T F Caslon1080

file name: Joe Treacy T F Caslon Display Medium

file name: Joe Treacy T F Hotel Moderne

file name: Joe Treacy T F Neue Neuland

file name: Joe Treacy T F Neue Neuland

file name: Joe Treacy T F Nouveau Riche

file name: Joe Treacy T F Nouveau Riche

file name: Joe Treacy T F Renoir

file name: Joe Treacy T F Renoir

file name: Joe Treacy T F Trantino

file name: Joe Treacy T F Trantino Medium

file name: Joe Treacy T F Guest Check

file name: Joe Treacy T F Guest Check Heavy Shaded

file name: Joe Treacy T F Guest Check Stencil Heavy

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html