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The Type Museum [Justin Howes]

London-based museum, whose curator was Justin Howes (until his death in 2005). Established in 1992, since 1995 the collection has been housed in Stockwell, in a range of industrial buildings built between 1895 and 1905 as a veterinary hospital. In 1996, the Type Museum bought all of Stephenson Blake's materials, i.e., punches, matrixes, archives, and specimen books. They have been acquing other material including highly important collections of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century type specimen books and, in the case of Monotype, the complete business records of a global enterprise. There are rich holdings of punches, matrices and moulds from the principal eighteenth- and nineteenth-century London typefoundries, complemented by business archives and by one of the world's best collections of type specimen books. In 2003, it started to offer some workshops and demonstrations on metal and wood type printing. In 2006, the museum intended to close with this message: The trustees of the Type Museum have taken the decision this week to CLOSE and disperse the museum due to lack of funding. These unique collections spanning the evolution of type design and manufacture will be split up and the majority put into storage - unlikely to see the light of day again. You are receiving this email because you have previously expressed your interest in, and support for the Type Museum. We need your help urgently if we are save the Type Museum as a working resource for the future. In 2009, they still exist, and despite the fact that they were supported by British Government grants, there is no public access (!!!!!). Hmmm. They will take donations (hopefully to make the collection free and public to anyone). The web site does not mention the name Justin Howes---w

The Type Museum
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Type musea ⦿ Type design in the United Kingdom ⦿

file name: Typemuseum.org Italian Type Logo2009

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html