TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:14:36 EDT 2025
Dutch Type Library (or: DTL Studio)
[Frank E. Blokland]
The Dutch Type Library was founded in 1990 by Frank Blokland (b. 1959, Leiden). It is based in 's Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands. Fonts include DTLAlbertina (Chris Brand), DTLArgo (Gerard Unger), DTL Caspari (Gerard Daniels), DTL Documenta (1986) and DTL Documenta Sans (Frank E. Blokland), DTL Dorian (Elmo van Slingerland), DTL Elzevir (1992, Gerard Daniels), DTL Prokyon and DTL Fleischmann (Erhard Kaiser), DTL Flamande (Matthew Carter, 2004, based on a textura by Hendrik van den Keere), DTL Haarlemmer (Jan van Krimpen, revived and extended by Frank Blokland), DTL Nobel (Sjoerd de Roos 1929; revived in 1993 by Andrea Fuchs and Fred Smeijers), DTL Paradox (Gerard Unger), DTLVandenKeere, DTL Unico (Michael Harvey), DTLRosart (Antoon de Vylder), DTL Sheldon (Jan van Krimpen revival), DTL Romulus (Jan van Krimpen revival), DTL Fell (a revival of lettering by John Fell, 1625-1686). From their corporate blurb: The Dutch Type Library was commissioned to produce the corporate typeface for the European Union. Further, DTL supplied the company letters to, among others, the New York Stock Exchange, Germany's Phoenix Television Broadcasting Company, Amnesty International USA, Emerson, The Diamond Trading Company, Taylor Nelson Sofres, Finland's most popular newspaper Helsingin Sonamat and banks and museums all over Europe. Besides fonts, the Dutch Type Library also produces sophisticated software for (OpenType) font production: DTL FontMaster, of which a free Light version is available. DTL has claimed all rights to the entire Lettergieterij Amsterdam typeface library obtained in some agreement with Tetterode. [This info may be wrong---I have no way to verify this.] He obtained a PhD from Leiden University and his dissertation was entitled Harmonics, Patterns, and Dynamics in Formal Typographic Representations of the Latin Script. The regularization, standardization, systematization, and unitization of roman and italic type since their Renaissance origins until the Romain du Roi. Speaker at ATypI 2013 in Amsterdam: The (digitized) calligraphy on HM Queen Beatrix' Abdication Act 2013. |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |