TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:14:39 EDT 2025






Ronald Arnholm

Professor of Art Graphic Design at Lamar Dodd School of Art, part of the University of Georgia, Athens. Born in 1939 in Barre, VT, Arnholm designed the lapidary typeface ITC Legacy Sans family (1992, a 51-font remake of the 1960s Arnholm Sans), and the ITC Legacy Serif family (1992, Venetian). In 2009, ITC Legacy Square Serif and ITC Legacy Serif Condensed were added. ITC Legacy Square Serif won an award at TDC2 2010.

His early fonts were released at VGC, the Visual Graphics Corporation: VGC Aquarius (2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Outline) (1967) (this was digitized in 2007 by Steve Jackaman as Aquarius), VGCArnholm Sans Bold (1965), VGC Fovea (1977).

Arnholm also designed WTC Veritas for the World Typeface Center, New York, 1981-85.

He created these headline typefaces for the Los Angeles Times, 1980: L.A. Times Regular, L.A. Times regular italic, L.A. Times Bold and L.A. Times Bold Italic.

MyFonts page. Linotype bio. FontShop link. Klingspor link.

View Ronald Arnholm's typefaces.

Ronald Arnholm
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type scene in New York ⦿ Photo and film type era ⦿ Type scene in Georgia (the state, not the country) ⦿ Venetian or antiqua typefaces ⦿ Type scene in Vermont ⦿ Lapidary typefaces ⦿

file name: Ronald Arnholm V G C Aquarius 1967

file name: Steve Jackaman Aquarius 2007 after Ronald Arnholm V G C Aquarius 1967

file name: Ronald Arnholm I T C Legacy Sans 1992 Poster by Joke Snauwaert 2014

file name: Ronald Arnholm I T C Legacy Sans 1992 Poster by Amy Wilhite 2017

file name: Ronald Arnholm I T C Legacy Sans 1992 Poster by Joke Snauwaert 2014b

file name: Ronald Arnholm I T C Legacy Sans Condensed 1992

file name: Ronald Arnholm I T C Legacy Sans O S Medium 1992

file name: Ronald Arnholm I T C Legacy Sans Pro Bold 1992

file name: Ronald Arnholm I T C Legacy Sans 1992 Poster by l Eah Western 2017

file name: Ronald Arnholm I T C Legacy 1992 Poster by Elise Sellers 2016

file name: Ronald Arnholm I T C Legacy Serif Medium S C 1992

file name: Ronald Arnholm I T C Legacy Serif Pro Condensed 1992

file name: Ronald Arnholm I T C Legacy Serif Pro Medium 1992

file name: Ronald Arnholm I T C Legacy Serif Std Extra Light Condensed Italic 1992

file name: Ronald Arnholm I T C Legacy Serif Ultra O S 1992

file name: Ronald Arnholm I T C Legacy Square Serif 2009

file name: Ronald Arnholm I T C Legacy Serif 1992 Poster by Melina Lortie 2016

file name: Ronald Arnholm I T C Legacy 1992 Poster by Daulet Kakambetov 2014

file name: Ronald Arnholm I T C Legacy 1992 Poster by Daulet Kakambetov 2014b

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html