TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Mar 5 10:59:11 EST 2025
Face 2 Face (or: F2F)
[Alexander Branczyk]
Born in Frankfurt, Germany in 1959, Alexander Branczyk is the main typographer at F2F (Face 2 Face), which is based in Berlin and Frankfurt. Other participants include Stefan Hausen, Alessio Leonardi, Torsti Maier-Bautor, Thomas Nagel, Haike Dehl and Sybille Schlaich. F2F specializes in what it calls anarchistic typography. Branczyk made F2F CzykagoTrans (1995) and a few other experimental fonts, as well as Bellczyk, CZYKago-Cameo, CZYKago-Quer, OCR-Alexczyk, OCR-Bczyk, SubberlogoMini, TheczykM, MadzineScript (curly vampire typeface), BurnoutChaos, Frontpage, MonakoStoned, Entebbe (a ransom note font), OCRFBeta and OCRHeike. Other designers: Thomas Nagel (ScreenScream, Shakkarakk, ElDeeCons, Madame Butterfly, Pixmix, Shpeetz, TyrellCorp), Heike Nehl (LoveGrid, Starter Kid, Lego Stoned, Twins), Alessio Leonardi (PrototipaMultipla, TagliatelleSugo, Mekanik Amente, Metamorfosi, provinciali, AlRetto, F2F TechLand, F2FAlLineato, F2FMekkasoTomanik, F2FSimbolico (1992, dingbats), Poison Flowers (1992)), Stefan Hauser (F2FBoneR, Haakonsen), Sybille Schlaich (Styletti Medium). Face2Face groups the designers of Moniteurs and xplicit ffm. Bitstream link. Alternate URL. In 2003, these designs by Alexander Branczyk appeared in the Linotype Taketype 5 collection: F2FBurnoutChaos LT Std, F2FCzykago LT Std Light, F2FCzykago LT Std Semiserif, F2FCzykago LT Std Trans, F2FEntebbe LT Std, F2FFrontpageFour LT Std, F2FMadZine LT Std Dirt, F2FMadZine LT Std Fear, F2FMadZine LT Std Script, F2FMadZine LT Std Wip (1992), F2FMonakoStoned LT Std, F2FOCRAlexczyk LT Std Regular, F2FOCRAlexczyk LT Std Shake, F2FOCRBczyk LT Std Bold, F2FOCRBczyk LT Std Regular, F2FTechLand LT Std. Alexander Branczyk studied visual communication at HfG Offenbach under Friedrich Friedl. From 1988 until 1994, he was project manager at Erik Spiekermann's MetaDesign. Since 1994, Alexander is partner and managing director of xplicit Gesellschaft für visuelle Kommunikation mbH (xplicit.de) based in Frankfurt/Main. Alexander Branczyk is co-publisher of Emotional Digital, and since 2003 a visiting professor for typography at the Bauhaus University Weimar. Codesigner of Czykago Rough (2019, with Manuel Viergutz), Brush Poster Grotesk (2017, a fun semi grungy typeface designed for the children's exhibition 1,2,3 Kultummel from Labyrinth Kindermuseum Berlin by xplicit, Berlin (Annette Wüsthoff, Alexander Branczyk and Mascha Wansart) and Manuel Viergutz; loaded with glyphs and decorative extras like arrows, dingbats, emojis, symbols, geometric shapes, catchwords and decorative ligatures), TWIGS 4 kids (2020: designed for a garden exhibition for children by Daniela Costa, Julia Stanossek, Alexander Branczyk and Manuel Viergutz). |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |