TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Mar 5 10:59:14 EST 2025






No Bodoni Typography [George Everet Thompson]

Glenview / Chicago, IL-based foundry run by George E. Thompson (b. 1945, Chicago). George Thompson teaches at the Art&Design Department of Columbia College Chicago since 1986: He has a deep involvement in letterpress printing and co-founded Columbia's private press, the Calhoun Press, named for John Calhoun, the first printer in Chicago. He also founded his own Spurius Press, devoted to publishing matters of typography and named for Spurius Carvillus, the ancient Roman credited with designing the letter G.

Expensive but high quality typeface families designed by Thompson include Estiennium (quirky humanist sans), Isbellium (a sans serif version of Dick Isbell's Americana type, the last type cut in metal by American Type Founders), Nirvanium (wedge serif), ITC Oldrichium (2011, angular lettering in the style of Oldrich Menhart), Parmatype, Parisette, Marseillette, Lyonette, and Berlinette (2001).

MyFonts is selling these fonts now: Claudium NB (2002), Crowbird Pro Bold (2012), Dog Butter (2004, a curly monolinear upright script with small x-height; followed by Dog Butter Pro in 2021), the eerie didone font Floridium NB (2002, based on wood type from the 1800s), Ms Kitty NB (2002, a fun face), Parma Typewriter NB (based on Bodoni), and Tinman Pro (2011).

In 2013, George published the dingbat typeface Ovoid Two Zero, ITC Oldrichium.

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No Bodoni Typography
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Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Typewriter fonts ⦿ Type scene in Illinois ⦿ Wood Type ⦿ Modern style [Bodoni, Didot, Walbaum, Thorowgood, Computer Modern, etc.] ⦿ Easter fonts ⦿ Letterpress ⦿

file name: George Thompson Dog Butter Pro 2021

file name: No Bodoni Dog Butter Pro 2021 1

file name: No Bodoni Dog Butter Pro 2021 2

file name: No Bodoni Dog Butter Pro 2021

file name: George E Thompson Crowbird Pro Bold 2012

file name: George E Thompson Crowbird Bold 2013

file name: George E Thompson Crowbird Bold 2013b

file name: George Thompson Crowbird Pro 2012

file name: George Thompson Crowbird Pro 2012b

file name: George Thompson Crowbird Pro 2012c

file name: George E Thompson Berlinette N B 2001

file name: George E Thompson Claudium N B 2002

file name: George E Thompson Ovoid Two Zero 2013

file name: George E Thompson Ovoid Two Zero 2013c

file name: George E Thompson Estiennium N B

file name: George E Thompson Floridium N B 2002

file name: George E Thompson Floridium Pro L V 2002b

file name: George Thompson Floridium 2002

file name: George Thompson Floridium 2002b

file name: George Thompson Floridium 2002c

file name: George E Thompson I T C Oldrichium 2001

file name: George E Thompson Isbellium N B

file name: George E Thompson Ms Kitty N B 2002

file name: George E Thompson Nirvanium N B

file name: George E Thompson Parisette N B 2001

file name: George E Thompson Parma Typewriter N B

file name: George E Thompson Parma Typewriter Pro 2012

file name: George E Thompson Parma Typewriter N B

file name: George Thompson Parma Typewriter Pro 2012

file name: George Thompson Parma Typewriter Pro 2012b

file name: George Thompson Parma Typewriter Pro 2012c

file name: George E Thompson Tinman Pro 2011

file name: George E Thompson Tinman Pro 2011d

file name: George E Thompson Tinman Pro 2011e

file name: George E Thompson Tinman Pro 2011b

file name: George E Thompson Tinman Pro 2011c

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html