TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:14:53 EDT 2025






Newlyn (was: TextPref, x&y) [Miles Newlyn]

Miles Newlyn (b. 1969) graduated from St Martins College of Art, London, in 1991. He worked with various London agencies, including Wolff Olins. x&y in London was Miles Newlyn's web site where you could buy his creations from 2002-2004. In 2004, he set up Newlyn.com. Around 2015, he founded TextPref. Many of his typefaces are retail (via, e.g., Emigre), but he speciaizes in commissioned type as well. He is well-known for his logo work (Honda, Cadillac, Saab, Land Rover, Sky, EE, two Olympics). He is based in London.


  • TP Atten (2015). A rounded sans typeface named after David Attenborough. Rejuvenated as New Atten and New Atten Round in 2018.
  • Becker (LED font).
  • Bugini (1996).
  • Democratica (Emigre). Roman with a Greek touch, 1991.
  • EE Nobblee. A family of dot matrx fonts.
  • Ericsson Sans (2006) and Ericsson Capital.
  • Ferox (a blackletter face, 1995; see Umbrella Type).
  • FNB Sans (2010). A rounded sans typeface family. There are vey few, if any, differences with the Frank typeface family.
  • Frank (2010-2011). A humanist sans family done with Francesca Bolognini. Now available as TP Frank and as New Frank.
  • HTC Script (2009). A fat finger font for HTC Corporation.
  • Luvbug (a 3D font).
  • The curly Missionary (1992, Emigre).
  • Modena (2008). A corporate type family. There are also IR Modena and HMRC Modena.
  • Neulin 9 Roman (1994).
  • In 2021, Miles Newlyn, Riccardo Olocco and Krista Radoeva co-designed New Spirit, a 10-style typeface that revives the comfort food font Windsor.
  • Nuke Plain (1994). In the early nineties style of Democratica and Barnbrook's atheist-meets-crusader style.
  • Remington German and Remington Plain. Heavy typefaces made in 1994.
  • Rubrik (2011). A well-rounded monoline sans family reminiscent of architectural drawings. At Type Network, you can buy New Farm (2013).
  • Sabbath Black (1994, Emigre). A blackletter font.
  • Sky Text (2009). A custom sans typeface for BSkyB Ltd.
  • Style (2004). A painters font.
  • Tonnage Sans and Tonnage Serif (Emigre, 1996). An homage to David Harris's Chromium typeface.
  • Verona (2007). A sturdy condensed text typeface.
  • A set of six typefaces for David Carson to use in Raygun Magazine.
  • TP Hero (2015).
  • TP Zen (2015, rounded sans) and New Zen (2017, developed in collaboration with Elena Schneider).
  • TP Farm or New Farm (2015).
  • In 2016, Elena Schneider and Miles Newlyn co-designed the almost reverse contrast typeface family New Herman.

Bio at Emigre. Most of his typefaces can be bought from Veer and MyFonts. Klingspor link. FontShop link.

Newlyn (was: TextPref, x&y)
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Blackletter fonts ⦿ Pixel/bitmap fonts ⦿ 3D fonts ⦿ Type design in the United Kingdom ⦿ Architectural lettering/typefaces ⦿ LED / LCD fonts ⦿ Neon tube or faux neon typefaces ⦿ Corporate typefaces ⦿ Curly typefaces ⦿

file name: Miles Newlyn Riccardo Olocco Krista Radoeva New Spirit 2021

file name: Miles Newlyn Riccardo Olocco Krista Radoeva New Spirit 2021

file name: Miles Nwlyn Rubrik 2011

file name: Miles Newlyn Rubrik Bold 2011

file name: Miles Newlyn Rubrik Medium 2011

file name: Miles Newlyn T P Rubrik

file name: Miles Newlyn New Rubrik 2013

file name: Miles Newlyn New Rubrik Edge 2013

file name: Elena Schneider Miles Newlyn New Herman 2016

file name: Miles Newlyn New Farm 2015

file name: Miles Newlyn T P Farm

file name: Miles Newlyn Francesca Bolognini Frank Medium 2011

file name: Miles Newlyn T P Frank

file name: Miles Newlyn New Frank 2010

file name: Miles Newlyn Pic

file name: Miles Newlyn T P Hero 2015

file name: Miles Newlyn T P Hero 2015c

file name: Miles Newlyn T P Hero Super 2015

file name: Miles Newlyn New Atten 2018

file name: Miles Newlyn New Atten Round 2018

file name: Miles Newlyn T P Atten 2015

file name: Miles Newlyn Telenor 2015

file name: Miles Newlyn Catalog

file name: Miles Newlyn F N B Sans 2010

file name: Miles Newlyn Democratica 2010

file name: Miles Newlyn Democratica Bold 1991

file name: Miles Newlyn Democratica Bold 1992

file name: Miles Newlyn Ferox 1995

file name: Miles Newlyn Modena Condensed Medium 2002

file name: Miles Newlyn Bugini 1996

file name: Miles Newlyn Ericsson Sans Bold 2006

file name: Miles Newlyn Missionary 1992

file name: Miles Newlyn Nuke Plain 1994

file name: Miles Newlyn Remington German 1994

file name: Miles Newlyn Sabbath Black Heavy 1994

file name: Miles Newlyn Sky Text 2009

file name: Miles Newlyn Style 2004

file name: Miles Newlyn Tonnage Sans 1996

file name: Miles Newlyn Verona 2007

file name: Miles Newlyn New Zen 2017

file name: Miles Newlyn New Zen 2017b

file name: Miles Newlyn New Zen 2017c

file name: Miles Newlyn New Zen 2017d

file name: Miles Newlyn T P Zen 2015

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html