TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Mon Mar 10 12:01:28 EDT 2025






José Maria Chema Ribagorda

Madrid-based type designer and type professor, who teaches design at the Escuela de Arte diez de Madrid, and is an associate professor in the Facultad de BBAA of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Cofounder and organizer of the first two Congreso Nacional de Tipografía en Espana. Coordinator of the graphic design department of the School of Design of Madrid and member of the research group of the Carlos III University. In 2018, he joined the faculty in the Masters of Type Design program at Elisava in Barcelona. Types designed by him:

  • The beautiful text font Yciar.
  • Hispana (1995-1996, Garcia Fonts).
  • Ibarra Real (2007), done with the help of Octavio Pardo. Ribagorda writes: IbarraReal is a public-domain font of Ibero-American character, created in 2005 as a revival of the types cast by Jeronimo Gil for the Royal Spanish Academy's edition of Don Quixote, printed in Madrid by Joaquin Ibarra in 1780.. The vignettes were designed by Manuel Alvarez Junco, Andreu Balius, Didac Ballester, Paco Bascuñan, José María Cerezo, Alberto Corazón, Oyer Corazón, Pablo Cosgaya, Rubén Fontana, Javier García del Olmo, José Gil Nogués, Pepe Gimeno, Fernando Gutiérrez, Juan Martínez, Laura Messeguer, Juan Antonio Moreno, Juan Nava, Miguel Ochando, Josep Patau, Alejandro Paul, Marc Salinas, Emilio Torné, Alex Trochut or Roberto Turégano. Free download here. Github link. Ibarra Real Nova (2007-2019) is downloadable from Google Fonts. CTAN link with TeX support for Ibarra Real Nova.
  • Ibarra de Gans (1997), based on Elzeveriano Ibarra (1931, Carlos Winkow for the Richard Gans foundry). Joint with Mario Sanchez.
  • Tipografía Arquetipo (2004).

At ATypI 2006 in Lisbon, he spoke about Gerónimo Gil, The Royal Print of Spain and Joaquin Ibarra.

José Maria Chema Ribagorda
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file name: Jose Maria Ribagorda Ibarra Real

file name: Jose Maria Ribagorda Ibarra Real 2007

file name: Jose Maria Ribagorda Octavio Pardo Ibarra Real 2007

file name: Jose Maria Ribagorda Octavio Pardo Ibarra Real Italic 2007

file name: Jose Maria Ribagorda Octavio Pardo Ibarra Real Semi Bold 2007

file name: Jose Maria Ribagorda Octavio Pardo Ibarra Real Nova 2007

file name: Jose Maria Ribagorda Octavio Pardo Ibarra Real Nova 2019

file name: Jose Maria Ribagorda Pic

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html