TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Jan 29 16:40:57 EST 2025






Cynthia Batty

Cynthia Batty (formerly, Cynthia Hollandsworth) was born in Washington, DC in 1955 (MyFonts) or 1956. She studied at the California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland, CA, and managed the department of type design and development at Agfa Compugraphic in Massachusetts. She was President of AlphaOmega, a design studio dedicated to typeface development. She was also the Director of Typeface Development at High Technology Solutions, in Poughkeepsie, New York. Currently (?), she is the vice-presdident of Simon&Schuster in New York. For a few years, she was Executive Director of ATypI, involved, in particular in the ATypI meetings in Vancouver and Prague.

Her typefaces show calligraphic influences:

  • Hiroshige (1986). Versions sold by Linotype and Adobe. Hiroshige was designed in 1986 by Cynthia Hollandsworth at AlphaOmega Typography, Inc. The typeface was originally commissioned for a book of woodblock prints by nineteenth-century Japanese artist Ando Hiroshige, whose work influenced many impressionist artists.
  • Pompeii Capitals (1995). Designed by Philip Bouwsma for ITC. It is unclear what Cynthia Hollandsworth's role was in the design.
  • Synthetica (1996). With Philip Bouwsma at Agfa.
  • ITC Tiepolo (1987). By Cynthia Hollandsworth and Arthur Baker at AlphaOmega.
  • Vermeer (1986).
  • Agfa Wile Roman (1990). Marketed by Monotype as Agfa Wile Roman and simply Wile.

Bio at ATypI. Linotype link. FontShop link. Klingspor link.

Cynthia Batty
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type scene in Massachusetts ⦿ Type scene in DC ⦿ Type scene in New York ⦿ Calligraphic typefaces ⦿

file name: Cynthia Hollandsworth Hiroshige 1986

file name: Cynthia Hollandsworth Adobe Hiroshige 2000

file name: Cynthia Hollandsworth Hiroshige 2000 194217

file name: Cynthia Hollandsworth Hiroshige 2000 194217

file name: Cynthia Hollandsworth Hiroshige 2000 194218

file name: Cynthia Hollandsworth Hiroshige 2000 194218 2

file name: Cynthia Hollandsworth Hiroshige 2000

file name: Cynthia Hollandsworth Hiroshige 1986.b

file name: Cynthia Hollandsworth Hiroshige 1986d

file name: Cynthia Hollandsworth Hiroshige 1986e

file name: Cynthia Hollandsworth Agfa Wile Roman 1990

file name: Cynthia Hollandsworth Wile 1990

file name: Cynthia Hollandsworth Wile Pro Black 1990

file name: Cynthia Hollandsworth Wile Roman Std Black 2004

file name: Alpha Omega I T C Tiepolo Bold 1987

file name: Pic atypi2002 Cynthia Batty

file name: Pic Cynthia Batty1

file name: Cynthia Hollandsworth Pic 1988

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html