TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:15:04 EDT 2025






Walter Baum

German type designer, born in 1921 in Gummersbach. Head of the Bauer graphics studio from 1949-1972. From 1972 until 1986, he led the Kunstschule Westend in Frankfurt. He died in 2007 in Bad Soden.

Together with Konrad F. Bauer, he designed the Akzidenz Grotesk-like sans serif typeface Folio (1957-1965; see digital revivals Folio EF by Elsner & Flake (condensed styles only), Folio by URW++ (the largest of the sets of revivals), Folio by Adobe, Folio by Linotype, Folio by Tilde, Folio SB by Scangraphic, Folio B EF by Elsner & Flake, and Folio by Bitstream), as well as Caravelle (1957), Alpha (1954, a comic book style face), Beta (1954, another comic book style face; both Alpha and Beta designed with K.F. Bauer), Imprimatur (1952-1955, a narrow roman done with K.F. Bauer at Bauersche; also called Horizon; for digital revivals, see I772 Roman by SoftMaker, and Gmuender Antiqua Pro (2015) by Ralph M. Unger), Impressum (1963), Volta (1956), and Verdi (1957, a shadow caps face) for the Bauersche Giesserei in Frankfurt am Main.

Klingspor link. Linotype link. FontShop link.

View digital typefaces that can be traced back to Baum. View digital typefaces based on Walter Baum's work. Digital versions of Folio.

Walter Baum
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ German type scene ⦿ Akzidenz Grotesk ⦿

file name: Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Folio 1957 1965

file name: Linotype Folio Light after Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Folio 1957 1965

file name: U R W Folio after Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Folio 1957 1965

file name: U R W Folio Extra Bold after Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Folio 1957 1965

file name: Bitstream Folio Bold after Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Folio 1957 1965

file name: Bitstream Folio Bold Condensed after Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Folio 1957 1965c

file name: Bitstream Folio Medium after Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Folio 1957 1965

file name: Elsner Flake Folio E F after Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Folio 1957 1965

file name: Bauersche Volta

file name: Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Volta 1956 Poster by Morgan Dees 2015b

file name: Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Volta 1956

file name: Bauersche Volta Mager 1955

file name: Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Imprimatur Horizon 1952 1955

file name: Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Imprimatur Horizon 1952 1955

file name: Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Imprimatur Horizon 1952 1955

file name: Ralph M Unger Gmuender Antiqua Pro 2015

file name: Ralph M Unger Gmuender Antiqua Pro 2015

file name: Ralph M Unger Gmuender Antiqua Pro 2015

file name: Imprimatur Halbfett Bauersche 1952 K F Bauer W Baum

file name: Imprimatur Mager Bauersche 1952 K F Bauer W Baum

file name: Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Imprimatur 1952 1955

file name: Ralph M Unger Gmuender Antiqua Pro Demi 2015

file name: Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Verdi 1957

file name: Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Caravelle 1957

file name: Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Caravelle 1957a

file name: Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Caravelle 1957b

file name: Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Caravelle 1957c

file name: Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Caravelle 1957d

file name: Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Caravelle 1957e

file name: Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Caravelle 1957f

file name: Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Caravelle 1957g

file name: Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Caravelle 1957h

file name: Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Caravelle 1957i

file name: Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Caravelle 1957j

file name: Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Caravelle 1957k

file name: Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Caravelle 1957l

file name: Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Caravelle 1957m

file name: Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Caravelle 1957n

file name: Konrad F Bauer Walter Baum Caravelle 1957o

file name: Walter Baum Pic

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html