TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Nov 20 11:39:59 EST 2024
Microgetics Corporation
Based in Coon Rapids, MN, and run by Peter Ward, this outfit sells hundreds of fonts that seem nothing but (tweaked and) renamed (all names start with MC) fonts--check here, and tell me if Microgetics designed these fonts! Sleazy slogans such as "Everyone should have these fonts" complete the picture. On the newsgroups, Peter Ward states that he found font XXX (fill in any name you like) at the Microgetics site---well, a bit dishonest isn't it? Ward runs the site! There are free downloads, but even those are done in a questionable manner--they make you feel like you are getting something for free by giving your coordinates, but in fact, remember that the font design was not theirs in the first place. Only positive note: the company seems to have made an effort improving the outlines of the fonts (those on MCAngelBrush improve over its "parent", BrushScriptMT, for example), but the fonts are inferior in other respects (MCAngelBrush has no kerning pairs, for example). Partial list: MC57, MCAlbany, MCAngelBrush, MCBuzz, MCCEO, MCCanfieldBold, MCCanfieldBoldItalic, MCCanfieldItalic, MCCanfield, MCCaponeCondensed, MCCaponeExtended, MCCaponeOutline, MCCapone, MCCargoCompressed, MCCargoItalic, MCCargo, MCCave, MCChancellorLightItalic, MCChancellorLight, MCChancellorMediumItalic, MCChancellorMedium, MCCheers, MCCookieCutter, MCCould, MCCowPoke, MCCrateOutline, MCCrate, MCCudaCondensed, MCCudaOutline, MCCuda, MCDoggieOutline, MCDoggie, MCDoodads, MCDotOutline, MCDotShadow, MCDot, MCEATShadow, MCEAT, MCEclectic, MCEuro, MCEyeChart, MCFatBrush, MCFinesse, MCFreeloader, MCFruitBasket, MCGadget, MCGilbert, MCGrooveEOutline, MCGrooveE, MCHAL, MCHeadStone, MCHobbesBold, MCHobbesOutline, MCHobbes, MCHouseBandOutline, MCHouseBand, MCImpressBold, MCImpress, MCIvy, MCJack, MCJoeFuture, MCKirkHall, MCKlaus, MCKoko, MCLCD, MCLappleBold, MCLappleDemi, MCLappleLight, MCLappleMedium, MCLateen, MCLetterSweater, MCLetterbook, MCLohengrin, MCLongbranch, MCLullaby, MCMahall, MCMars, MCMax, MCMershia, MCMist, MCModa, MCMonoManBold, MCMonoManBoldItalic, MCMonoManItalic, MCMonoMan, MCNixBold, MCNixCondensedBold, MCNixCondensedBoldItalic, MCNixCondensedItalic, MCNixCondensed, MCNix, MCOktoberfest, MCOpalBold, MCOpalBoldItalic, MCOpalItalic, MCOpal, MCOrchidBold, MCOrchidLight, MCOrchidMedium, MCPartridge, MCPearl, MCPeeWeeOutline, MCPeeWee, MCPerspective, MCPorkie, MCPriceTag, MCPuffy, MCQuill, MCRSVP, MCRagtop, MCRegulaSansItalic, MCRegulaSans, MCRobinhood, MCSchoolhouseInline, MCSchoolhouse, MCSiagon, MCSitcom, MCSlimJim, MCSquaredOutline, MCSquared, MCSterling, MCStratford, MCTape, MCTassel, MCTechnobop, MCTight, MCToothpaste, MC-Twinkle-Star, MCUnisyms, MCValentinePlush, MCValentine, MCWhatsits, MCWhimsy, MCWizz, MCWrightItalic, MCWright, MCYikesShadow, MCYikes, MCZamboni, MCZyphanyBold, MCZyphanyBoldItalic, MCZyphanyItalic, MCZyphany. |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |