TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Sun Feb 16 12:19:38 EST 2025






QualiType [John Colletti]

Southfield, MI-based company founded in 1991 by John Colletti. The 150-strong collection of their fonts was created in 1992, a few years after the Bitstream/Corel collection. Their web page stated: Founded in 1991 as a digital type foundry and developer of leading font management software tools for Windows, QualiType Software has been a pioneer in Windows font management technology with their FontHandler software and the patented QualiType Font Sentry system for Automatic Font Management. In 2000, the company entered into an agreement with Extensis Group at CreativePro.com, which grants Extensis the exclusive rights to market and develop future versions of QualiType FontHandler. This was a de facto takeover.

In 2009, Colletti agreed to let me host the collection for free download. The Qualitype font package from 1992 was rejuvenated in 2009 and repackaged with OpenType versions.

Qualitype's license. CTAN link (maintained by Daniel Benjamin Miller).


In addition, we have the same fonts as above with the original (shorter, Windows DOS 8.3) file names: truetype, opentype, type 1.

For those interested in lists and encyclopedic information: the font names are QTAbbie, QTAgateType-Bold, QTAgateType-Italic, QTAgateType, QTAncientOlive-Bold, QTAncientOlive, QTAntiquePost, QTArabian, QTArnieB, QTArtiston, QTAtchen, QTAvanti-Italic, QTAvanti, QTBasker-Bold, QTBasker-Italic, QTBasker, QTBeckman, QTBengal-Bold, QTBengal, QTBlackForest, QTBlimpo, QTBodini-Bold, QTBodini-Italic, QTBodini, QTBodiniPoster-Italic, QTBodiniPoster, QTBookmann-Bold, QTBookmann-BoldItalic, QTBookmann-Italic, QTBookmann, QTBoulevard, QTBrushStroke, QTCaligulatype, QTCanaithtype, QTCascadetype, QTCaslan-Bold, QTCaslan-BoldItalic, QTCaslan-Italic, QTCaslan, QTCaslanOpen, QTCasual, QTChanceryType-Bold, QTChanceryType-Italic, QTChanceryType, QTChicagoland, QTClaytablet, QTCloisteredMonk, QTCoronation, QTDeuce, QTDingBits, QTDoghaus, QTDoghausHeavy, QTDoghausLight, QTDublinIrish, QTEraType-Bold, QTEraType, QTEurotype-Bold, QTEurotype, QTFloraline-Bold, QTFloraline, QTFlorencia, QTFraktur, QTFrank, QTFrankHeavy, QTFrizQuad-Bold, QTFrizQuad, QTFuture-Italic, QTFuture, QTFuturePoster, QTGaromand-Bold, QTGaromand-BoldItalic, QTGaromand-Italic, QTGaromand, QTGhoulFace, QTGraphLite, QTGraveure-Bold, QTGraveure, QTGreece, QTHandwriting, QTHeidelbergType, QTHelvet-Black, QTHelvet-BoldOutline, QTHelvetCnd-Black, QTHelvetCnd-Light, QTHelvetCnd, QTHoboken, QTHowardType, QTHowardTypeFat, QTImpromptu, QTJupiter, QTKooper-Italic, QTKooper, QTKorrin-Italic, QTKorrin, QTKung-Fu, QTLautrecType, QTLetterGoth-Bold, QTLetterGoth-BoldItalic, QTLetterGoth-Italic, QTLetterGoth, QTLinoscroll, QTLinostroke, QTLondonScroll, QTMagicMarker, QTMerryScript, QTMilitary, QTOKCorral-Cnd, QTOKCorral-Ext, QTOKCorral, QTOldGoudy-Bold, QTOldGoudy-Italic, QTOldGoudy, QTOptimum-Bold, QTOptimum-BoldItalic, QTOptimum-Italic, QTOptimum, QTPalatine-Bold, QTPalatine-Italic, QTPalatine, QTPandora, QTParisFrance, QTPeignoir-Lite, QTPeignoir, QTPiltdown, QTPristine-Bold, QTPristine-BoldItalic, QTPristine-Italic, QTPristine, QTRobotic2000, QTSanDiego, QTSchoolCentury-Bold, QTSchoolCentury-BoldItalic, QTSchoolCentury-Italic, QTSchoolCentury, QTSlogantype, QTSnowCaps, QTStoryTimeCaps, QTTechtone-Bold, QTTechtone-BoldItalic, QTTechtone-Italic, QTTechtone, QTTheatre, QTTimeOutline, QTTumbleweed, QTUSA-Uncial, QTVagaRound-Bold, QTVagaRound, QTWeise-Bold, QTWeise-Italic, QTWeise, QTWestEnd.

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Extinct 20th century foundries ⦿ Type scene in Michigan ⦿ Font hosting at On Snot and Fonts ⦿ Military typefaces ⦿ Frederic William Goudy ⦿ Bookman ⦿

file name: Q T Bodini Poster

file name: Q T Catalog

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html