TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:15:16 EDT 2025
Mr. Fisk (or: MR.FISK's FONTEX 2000mg)
[Mike Larsson]
From Sweden, Mike Larsson's fonts include some dingbats, many grunge styles, some gothic fonts, and many crazy designs. These were mostly free. URL at 1001 fonts. Larsson went partially commercial in 2006. His commercial fonts include the distressed family Jackdaws and the grunge family My Big Sphinx. Devian Tart site. His Murderama site is dedicated to art and music. Dafont link. His fonts: Happy Days (2013, an old typewriter font), Cold Coffee (2005), Terror 2005, Psych (2005), SwedeTrauma2005, Typewriter Royal 200 (2004, bold, thrashed and normal styles), A Perfect Drowning, Kraut-type-a-fuck (2004, distressed blackletter), Megalomania X (2003), Crap Music, AMobileLife, AlienCrops, Alienoid, AmateurLobotomy, Anal Probe (2012), Anarchistic (nice), Angrybitch, AreaIntruder, BadCargo, Beyond-Dingbat, Bio-septic, Bodybag, BrainDamage, BrendaSpencer, Buried, CafeAuShite, Caffeine, ColourBlind, Cypher, Damnation, DeadPostMan, DeadPostMan2004 (2004, old typewriter), DeadlyBreakfast, Dear-Theo (the Vincent Van Gogh font), Division-X, Dr. Benway, Dr.Enoksen, EdGein, Electric-Chair, Evil-Mail, FadedMovieStar, Feed-The-Enemy, Feed, FingeredFlesh, Fishcheese-Lungpeed, Fiskish-art, FlamingCorpse, ForgottenHospital, Fuckin'uglyfont, Hairofthedog (2000), HardWare, HateYouAll, HeadSurgery, ImpotentDeadFucker, InterZone-2, InterzoneCode, Jack-The-Ripper, Kontakt-Zagreb, LittleInsect, Living-End, LostPassenger(part2), LostPassenger(version3), LostPassenger, LostPassenger4, LowDown, LubricantSmell, Mr.Fisk.(hand), Mr.Fisk.-Art-2, MrFisk-Coke, MyBiopsy, NaiveFont, NoOne, Nofriend, Note-Of-Terror, NothingNet, PeepShow (white on black), Peter-Kurten, Private-Death, PrivateHell, Re-buried, Reinfeldt's Rotten Brain Font (2008, grungy stencil), Remington Riviera (Sperry rand, 2007, old typewriter), Santanas Humanum Salvator, ShittyDings, SickCoke, SixPointNine, Space-ship354, Suicide, Sweden-sucks, SwedishMeat (special), SymbolNerve (hacker font), The End (blackletter), The-Evil-Cop, TimesNewZoo-man, Under-water, Untitled, Washme,please, ZeBirdzLaMortum, DancingDead, Depressionist (2000), Areyouawake, Neo?, BadCargo2.0, BrokenPlanewing, Brother Deluxe 1350 (2012, old typewriter face), FriedAss, Handgranade, Head-injuries, German Underground (2003, smudged blackletter), Satanas Humanum Salvator (2000, a blackletter typeface with arrows for learning the curves). Aka Murderama at Devian tart. |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |