TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:15:20 EDT 2025






BPG Fonts [Besarion Paata Gugushvili]

Besarion Gugushvili (born 1945) is a Georgian politician and a former Prime Minister of the country. Gugushvili was appointed prime minister after Tengiz Sigua resigned in August 1991. The closest associate of Georgia's former President Zviad Gamsakhurdia, he followed him into exile after the 1991-1992 coup and participated in the 1993 uprising. After the failure of the uprising and Gamsakhurdia's death, Gugushvili was granted political asylum in Finland.

Besarion Paata Gugushvili Gugushvili designed the Georgian glyphs for the DejaVu typeface. He was also involved in the design of the Georgian script for the Nokia Pure typeface. Finally, he made a series of Georgian fonts with the acronym BPG in the font names and ran BPG-InfoTech. These fonts include

  • BPG DejaVuSans (Mkhedruli and Asomtavruli) normal and bold
  • BPG DejaVuSerif (Mkhedruli and Asomtavruli) normal and bold
  • BPG DejaVuSansMono (Mkhedruli) normal and bold

They are now part of the Dejavu open source font distribution (see also here). Some downloads and discussions here. Google group presence. BPG Classic Medium. BPG Dede Ena Block. BPG Glaho (2005) is here. Other families less easy to locate include BPG Afxazeti (2005). BPG Dede Ena. Direct access to these BPG fonts: BPGAcademiuriUAm, BPGChveulebriviUm, BPGClassic99U, BPGDumbadzeU, BPGLortkipanidzeU, BPGMikheilStefaneUm, BPGNinoKhutsuriU, BPGPaataKhutsuriMtavruli, BPGPaataKhutsuriU, BPGParisianU, BPGSanSerDina, BPGSansSerifUE, BPGSanSerUE2, BPGSanSerUE!, BPGSanSerUEm, BPGSerifUE, BPGSysVarEU, BPGUcnobiU. Nice 19th century fonts, with characters in unicode positions. Alternate URL. Download link.

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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Georgian fonts ⦿ The Finnish type scene ⦿ Open source fonts ⦿

file name: Besarion Paata Gugushvili B P G Dedaena

file name: Besarion Paata Gugushvili B P G Deja Vu Serif

file name: Besarion Paata Gugushvili B P G Droid Sans Georgia

file name: Besarion Paata Gugushvili B P G Mrgvlovani

file name: Besarion Paata Gugushvili B P G Nokia Pure

file name: Besarion Paata Gugushvili B P G Typewriter

file name: Besarion Paata Gugushvili Pic

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html