TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:15:22 EDT 2025






T4 Typography AB (was: Sinnebild, Olsson's Fonts, Torbjörns Typer, T-Type) [Torbjörn Olsson]

T4 Typography after Sinnebild (which still exists). Its sister company, A4, designs newspapers. Libretto, a text font with old style figures, is absolutely gorgeous! Ludovico is also brilliant as a text face, while Ornaments Ink and Pen is an elegantly original dingbats font with ink spots. Other fonts include Interrupt Display (a Morris Fuller Benton revival, done in 2001), Fin Tertia Kursiv (2001, a great modern font, digitized from matrices found in the Norstedt collection, dating back to about 1750), More, Lights (dot fonts), GenderFeminine (1997), GenderMasculine (1997), Fournier Initialer, KumlienMM (1993), Kumlien-Initialer (1994), Mecanic (1992), MixtureMM (1994), RendezvousMM (1993), Ornaments, Ornaments Ink and Pen, Rössjor. Olsson is one of today's grand masters. And now, multiple master fonts Vadau and DejaVue! Lights One, Two, Three, Sarajevo, Cirkelnummer. And a splendid revival of Doves Type created in 1900 by Emery Walker and used by Thomas J. Cobden-Sanderson at their Doves Press (1900-1916). It is called DovesType (1996, OpenType versions now also available). The PDF file on that site has Troycer (1996), also by Olsson. By clicking on "Info", you get free Borders and Ornaments fonts.

MyFonts sells the T4 fonts Motor Mouth (2006, by Martin Fredrikson), Batory (techno) and Batoswash (both monoline sans designs by Bo Berndal, 2006), Mixtra Roma (forced serif), Havel (super-condensed constipated slab serif), Mixtra Sansserif, and Mixtra Slabserif. Mixtra is a versatile and complete type family designed by Bo Berndal in 2006. Olsson's Havel (2006) is an updated interpretation of a Czech type design from the 1930s, different from condensed types of the same era, such as Spire (Sol Hess, 1937), Onyx (Gerry Powell for ATF, 1937) or Quirinus Bold (Alessandro Butti, 1939). In 2007, Olsson added these fonts: One Night Stand (experimental), Interrupt Display Pro (2007, in the style of Impact), Eknaton (a powerful Egyptian family), Museum Tertia Cursive (2007, inspired by a beautiful set of 126 matrices in the Swedish Norstedts type collection. These types were probably manufactured in Germany before 1750. The matrices are part of a set imported to Sweden by J.P. Lindh from Breitkopf and Härtel 1818), Museum Ornaments (2007), Museum Borders, and Museum Fournier (2007, inspired by a set of Rococo capitals designed by Pierre Simon Fournier le Jeune ca. 1760. The matrices are part of a set imported to Sweden by J.P. Lindh in 1818 from Breitkopf&Härtel in Leipzig, Germany. They are now in the Nordiska Museum in Stockholm).

Tyma Garamont (2007, five wonderful styles) was inspired by the Berner-Egenolff type sample from the 1560s. The Italic was inspired by a sample from Robert Granjon, also from the 1560s. The name TYMA is short for AB Typmatriser, a Swedish company founded in 1948, because the Second World War stopped all import of matrices for Linotype and Intertype typesetting machines. The templates for Garamont Roman were initiated by Henry Alm 1948. Bo Berndal was hired the following year, and continued the work by drawing and cutting templates for the rest of Garamont Roman, as well as for the remaining Garamont family. Bo Berndal stayed at TYMA until it went bankrupt in 1952. At that time Bo Berndal had already kick-started his career as type designer by drawing the typeface Reporter for one of the big daily newspapers, Aftonbladet, a version of Cheltenham for another daily, Dagens Nyheter, and copied several old typefaces for other customers. Librarian Sten G. Lindberg at The Royal Library of Stockholm, Kungliga Biblioteket, procured copies of original type samples. Bo Berndal completed TYMA Garamont in 2007.

Klingspor link. Alternate URL.

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T4 Typography AB (was: Sinnebild, Olsson's Fonts, Torbjörns Typer, T-Type)
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Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Type design in Sweden ⦿ Experimental type ⦿ German type scene ⦿ Cheltenham ⦿ Fournier ⦿

file name: Torbjorn Olsson Doves Press Type 1994 after T J Cobden Sandersen 1899 1901

file name: Torbjorn Olsson Doves Press Type 1994 after T J Cobden Sandersen 1899 1901b

file name: Torbjorn Olsson Interrupt Display Pro 2007

file name: Torbjorn Olsson Interrupt Display Pro 2007b

file name: Torbjorn Olsson Museum Fournier 2007

file name: Torbjorn Olsson Museum Fournier 2007c

file name: Torbjorn Olsson Museum Ornaments1 2007

file name: Torbjorn Olsson Museum Tetia Cursive 2007

file name: Torbjorn Olsson Pic

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html