TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:15:28 EDT 2025






John Roshell

Designer (b. 1970, Mountain View, CA) of many (most) fonts at Comicraft, a comic book font outfit in Los Angeles, CA, a company he cofounded with Richard Starkings in 1992.

Some fonts: Altogether OOky, Addams-AltogetherOoky, Addams-Capitals, Addams-Regular, CCBithead-Bark, CCBithead-Byte, CC Bryan Talbot (2008, created for Bryan Talbot's Alice in Sunderland), CCHooky-Open, CCHooky-Solid, CCAlchemite, CCChills, CCDigitalDelivery, CCDivineRight-Regular, CCDoubleBack-Future, CCDoubleBack-Past, CCElsewhere-Regular, CCFlameOn, CCFrostbite, CCGrimlyFiendish-Regular, CCJimLee, CCJoeMadInt, CCLosVampiros, CCMeanwhile, CCMeltdown, CCMonsterMash, CCSpills, CCSplashdown, CCStormtrooper (1997), CCTheStorySoFar-Regular, CCThrills, CCToBeContinued, WildAndCrazySFX. With Richard Starkings, he designed Achtung Baby (2001), Adamantium and DoubleBack in 2001 for Agfa/Monotype. Other designs: Dave Gibbons (2006), UpUpAndAway (2005), Forked Tongue (2005), Paranoid Android (2005), Snowmany Snowmen (2005), Gibbous (2006), Astronauts in Trouble, Chatterbox, Red Star, Tough Talk, Sean Phillips, Atomic Wedgie, Pass The Port, Divine Right, Shoutout, Battle Scarred, Danger Girl, Primal Scream, PhaseSonStun, Yeah Baby, Nuff Said (2005), Trick Or Treat, MonsterMash, CarryOnScreaming, Chills, Goosebumps, CreepyCrawly, GrimlyFiendish, IncyWincySpider, Spookytooth, Meltdown and TrickOrTreat dingbats, BiffBamBoom, Spellcaster, Cheese And Crackers, FaceFont, Hedge, Meanwhile, Wildwords International, Comicrazy, Storyline (2006), Happy Holidays (2007), Foom (2007).

MyFonts sells these fonts by him: Adamantium, Alchemite, Altogether Ooky (vampire script), Area51, Aztech, Battle Cry, Bithead, Chills, Dave Gibbons, Dead Mans, Destroyer, Digital Delivery, Divine Right, Drop Case, Elsewhere, Euphoria, CC Fairy Tale (2007), Face Front, Fighting Words, Flame On, Foom, Frostbite, Gibbons Gazette (2009, Gobbledygook, Golem (2002), Grimly Fiendish, Happy Holidays, Hellshock, Hip Flask, Holier Than Thou, Hooky, Hyperdrive, Joe Kubert, Meanwhile, CCMild Mannered (2007), Monologous, Near Myth, Overbyte, Phat Boi, PhilYeh, Rough Tongue, Sanctum Sanctorum, Scott McCloud, Smash, Speeding Bullet, Spills, Splashdown, Spookytooth, Stonehenge Runes, Stormtrooper, Storyline, Thats All Folks, The Story So Far, Thingamajig, Thrills, Tim Sale, Tim Sale Brush, Timelord, Treacherous, Treasure Trove (2007), Up Up And Away, Wild And Crazy, Zzzap, Deadline (2007), Kickback (2007, with David Lloyd), Sticky Fingers (2007, scary).

Typefaces made in 2008: Ratatatat (2008), CC Mad Scientist (2008), HammerHorror (2008), EnemyLines (2008, based on WWII lettering used by the nazis), Cutthroat Lower (2008), Philyeh (2008), Doohickey Lower (2008), CC Sign Language (2008, fruit vendor lettering).

Typefaces made in 2009: SpillProof (2009), Slaphappy (2009), Hooky (2009, spraycan style), Long Underwear (2009), Digital Delivery (2009), Grande Guignol (2003, art nouveau), Bronto Burger (2009), Elsewhere (2009, art nouveau), Exterminate (2009, stone carving face), You Blockhead (2009), CC Rugged Rock (2009),

Creations in 2010: Wild Words Lower (2010), Back Beat (2010), Rick Veitch (2010, based on the lettering of comic book artist Rick Veitch), Credit Extension (2010), Shiver (2010, with Richard Starkings), Shake (2010, with Richard Starkings), Elephantmen (2008-2010, squarish family).

Contributions from 2011: Knobbly Knees, Ed McGuinness (comic book script family), Big Top, Clean Cut Kid, Dash Decent (a very round almost-bubblegum family), Fancy Pants (connected script), Goth Chic (blackletter).

Fonts from 2012: Lunar Modular, Lunar Orbiter, Lunar Rover, Geek Speak, Ancient Astronaut, Totally Awesome (comic book caps face).

Fonts from 2013: Samaritan and Samaritan Tall (with Richard Starkings), Ghost Town (a family of seven gold rush era typefaces), Colleen Doran (a comic book family: A Distant Soil is a classic bold and beautiful science fiction/fantasy comic book series by creator, writer, artist and letterer Colleen Doran. A Distant Soil is being remastered and re-released by those awfully nice chaps at Image Comics and Colleen commissioned Comicraft to create the definitive bold and beautiful Colleen Doran font, based on her original pen lettering), Mega City (an elliptical in-your-face advertising signage typeface family), Soliloquous (fat rounded hand-printed comic book family), Excalibur Stone, Excalibur Sword, Legendary Legerdemain (+Leggy), Cool Beans (beatnik font).

Fonts from 2014: Shaky Kane (based on the comic books by that name), Resistance Is Lowered (techno), Hero Sandwich Ingedients, Hero Sandwich Combos (a layered set of informal typefaces combined in many ways), Monstrosity (a ghoulish typeface), HighJinks, Onomatopedia, Killzone, Killswitch, Killjoy.

Fonts from 2014: Mike Kunkel (based on the hand of comic book artist Mike Kunkel).

In 2015, John Roshell (Comicraft) created the comic book typeface family The Sculptor based on Scott McCloud's lettering. Other fonts from 2015 include AB Flock Poster, Hypnotique, Samaritan Lower (by Richard Starkings and John Roshell), Graveyard Smash, Maladroit, Extra Extra (pen-lettered newspaper headline font family), Merry Melody, Temporal Shift and Temporal Gap (computer emulation typeface), Temporal Shift and Temporal Gap Expanded, Temporal Shift and Temporal Gap Compressed, Danger Girl Hex (with Jeffery Scott Campbell), J. Scott Campbell Lower (with Jeffery Scott Campbell).

Typefaces from 2016: Victory Speech Lower, Man Of Tomorrow, Thrills, Holy Grail, A Likely Story, Victory Speech, Questionable Things (with Richard Starkings), The Story Begins + Ends, Pixel Arcade (video game font), Schadenfreude (octagonal style), Vengeance Is Mine.

Typefaces from 2017: Right In The Kisser, Music To My Eyes">, True Believer.

Typefaces from 2018: Metcon (+a stencil version, Metcon Rx), Summer Fling, Samaritan Tall Lower (by Starkings and Roshell), Blah Blah Upper (by John Roshell and Richard Starkings), Ultimatum, Wuxtry Wuxtry (art nouveau), Single Bound (a sans), Evil Doings (by Richard Starkings and John Roshell), Prince of Darkness (a gothic layered font family), Empire State Gothic, Empire State Deco.

Typefaces from 2019 by John Roshell: Whatchamacallit (a variable cartoon sans with weight, width and italic axes), Ask For Mercy, Excelsius, Space Race, When Suddenly.

Typefaces from 2020: FX Machina (squarish, octagonal), Origin Story, Cybervox, CCQuigglesmith (a beatnik font), Ripped Bam Boom, Dynamic Duo, If This Be Doomsday, Elektrakution (a Greek simulation font family by Richard Starkings and John Roshell), Whatchamacallit, CCMighty Mouth, This Man This Monster (by John Roshell and Richard Starkings), Simply Marvelous, Meanwhile Uncial, Transylvanian (a jungle font), Shark Snack, Letterhack Sans, Letterhack Serif.

Typefaces from 2021: Ultimatum MFV (a 21-style chamfered military typeface family including several stencil fonts), Grim N Gritty, Richard Starkings Brush (a comic book typeface by Richard Starkings and John Roshell), Scoundrel (a comic book face by Richard Starkings and John Roshell), Tall Tales (a fat finger font).

Typefaces from 2022: Beyond Belief.

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John Roshell
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file name: Comicraft Beyond Belief 2022

file name: Comicraft Ultimatum M F V 2021 1

file name: John Roshell Ultimatum M V F 2021

file name: John Roshell Ultimatum M V F 2021

file name: John Roshell Ultimatum M V F 2021

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file name: Comicraft Ultimatum M F V 2021

file name: Comicraft Grim N Gritty 2021 2

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file name: Comicraft Grim N Gritty 2021

file name: Comicraft Richard Starkings Brush 2021 1

file name: Comicraft Richard Starkings Brush 2021 2

file name: Comicraft Richard Starkings Brush 2021 3

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file name: Comicraft Richard Starkings Brush 2021

file name: Comicraft Scoundrel 2021 5

file name: Comicraft Scoundrel 2021

file name: Comicraft Tall Tales 2021 2

file name: Comicraft F X Machina 2020 1

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file name: Comicraft F X Machina 2020

file name: Comicraft Origin Story 2020 2

file name: Comicraft Origin Story 2020

file name: Comicraft Cybervox 2020 2

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file name: Comicraft Cybervox 2020

file name: Comicraft C C Quigglesmith 2020 358793

file name: Comicraft C C Quigglesmith 2020 358794

file name: Comicraft C C Quigglesmith 2020 358795

file name: Comicraft C C Quigglesmith 2020

file name: Comicraft Ripped Bam Boom 2020 364028

file name: Comicraft Ripped Bam Boom 2020

file name: Comicraft Dynamic Duo 2020 360124

file name: Comicraft Dynamic Duo 2020

file name: Comicraft Elektrakution 2020 340592

file name: Comicraft Elektrakution 2020 340594

file name: Comicraft Elektrakution 2020

file name: Comicraft If This Be Doomsday 2020 340467

file name: Comicraft If This Be Doomsday 2020 340470

file name: Comicraft If This Be Doomsday 2020

file name: Comicraft C C Mighty Mouth 2020 337698 002

file name: Comicraft C C Mighty Mouth 2020 337700 002

file name: Comicraft C C Mighty Mouth 2020 337701 002

file name: Comicraft C C Mighty Mouth 2020

file name: Comicraft This Man This Monster 2020 337689 002

file name: Comicraft This Man This Monster 2020 337692 002

file name: Comicraft This Man This Monster 2020 337693

file name: Comicraft This Man This Monster 2020

file name: Comicraft Simply Marvelous 2020 335469

file name: Comicraft Simply Marvelous 2020 335470

file name: Comicraft Simply Marvelous 2020 335471

file name: Comicraft Simply Marvelous 2020 335472

file name: Comicraft Simply Marvelous 2020 335473

file name: Comicraft Simply Marvelous 2020

file name: Comicraft Transylvanian 2020 335447

file name: Comicraft Transylvanian 2020 335448

file name: Comicraft Transylvanian 2020

file name: Comicraft Shark Snack 2020 335382

file name: Comicraft Shark Snack 2020 335383

file name: Comicraft Shark Snack 2020 335384

file name: Comicraft Shark Snack 2020 335385

file name: Comicraft Letterhack Sans 2020 335333

file name: Comicraft Letterhack Sans 2020 335334

file name: Comicraft Letterhack Sans 2020 335335

file name: Comicraft Letterhack Sans 2020 335337

file name: Comicraft Letterhack Sans 2020

file name: Comicraft Letterhack Serif 2020 335328

file name: Comicraft Letterhack Serif 2020 335331

file name: Comicraft Letterhack Serif 2020 335332

file name: Comicraft Letterhack Serif 2020

file name: John Roshell Metcon Rx 2018

file name: John Roshell Whatchammacallit 2019

file name: John Roshell Whatchammacallit 2019

file name: Comicraft Ask For Mercy 2019 301129 002

file name: Comicraft Ask For Mercy 2019 301131

file name: Comicraft Ask For Mercy 2019

file name: Comicraft Excelsius 2019 294263 002

file name: Comicraft Excelsius 2019 294264

file name: Comicraft Excelsius 2019

file name: Comicraft Space Race 2019 294271

file name: Comicraft Space Race 2019

file name: Comicraft When Suddenly 2019 294258 002

file name: Comicraft When Suddenly 2019 294259 002

file name: Comicraft When Suddenly 2019 294260

file name: Comicraft When Suddenly 2019 294261 002

file name: Comicraft When Suddenly 2019 294262 002

file name: Comicraft When Suddenly 2019

file name: Comicraft Metcon 2018 270765

file name: Comicraft Metcon 2018 270766 002

file name: Comicraft Metcon 2018 270767

file name: Comicraft Metcon 2018

file name: Comicraft Summer Fling 2018 270769 002

file name: Comicraft Summer Fling 2018 270770

file name: Comicraft Summer Fling 2018 270771

file name: Comicraft Summer Fling 2018

file name: Comicraft Ultimatum 2019 263501

file name: Comicraft Ultimatum 2019 263502

file name: Comicraft Ultimatum 2019 263503

file name: Comicraft Ultimatum 2019

file name: Comicraft Blah Blah Upper 2018 262917

file name: Comicraft Blah Blah Upper 2018 262918

file name: Comicraft Blah Blah Upper 2018 262919

file name: Comicraft Samaritan Tall Lower 2018 263370 002

file name: Comicraft Samaritan Tall Lower 2018 263371 002

file name: Comicraft Samaritan Tall Lower 2018 263372 002

file name: Comicraft Wuxtry Wuxtry 2019 263511

file name: Comicraft Wuxtry Wuxtry 2019 263512

file name: Comicraft Wuxtry Wuxtry 2019

file name: John Roshell Single Bound 2019

file name: Josh Roshell Single Bound 2019 263374

file name: Josh Roshell Single Bound 2019 263375

file name: Josh Roshell Single Bound 2019 263376

file name: Richard Starkings John Roshell Evil Doings 2018 262922

file name: Richard Starkings John Roshell Evil Doings 2018 262923

file name: John Roshell Prince Of Darkness 2018

file name: John Roshell Prince Of Darkness 2018 262927

file name: John Roshell Prince Of Darkness 2018 262928

file name: John Roshell Prince Of Darkness 2018

file name: John Roshell Empire State Deco 2018 260974

file name: John Roshell Empire State Deco 2018 260975

file name: John Roshell Empire State Deco 2018 260976

file name: John Roshell Empire State Deco 2018

file name: John Roshell Empire State Deco 2018

file name: John Roshell Empire State Gothic 2018 260971

file name: John Roshell Empire State Gothic 2018 260972

file name: John Roshell Empire State Gothic 2018 260973

file name: John Roshell Empire State Gothic 2018

file name: John Roshell Right In The Kisser 2017 232393

file name: John Roshell Right In The Kisser 2017 232394

file name: John Roshell Right In The Kisser 2017

file name: John Roshell Altogether Ooky 1999

file name: John Roshell Schools Out 1999

file name: John Roshell Schools Out 1999b

file name: Richard Starkings Achtung Baby 1997

file name: Comicraft Music To My Eyes 2017 231508

file name: Comicraft Music To My Eyes 2017 231509

file name: Comicraft Music To My Eyes 2017

file name: Jeffery Scott Campbell John Roshell Danger Girl Hex 2015 196626

file name: Jeffery Scott Campbell John Roshell Danger Girl Hex 2015

file name: John Roshell A B Flock Poster 2015

file name: Comicraft True Believer 2017 230279

file name: Comicraft True Believer 2017

file name: John Roshell A Likely Story 2016 208818

file name: John Roshell A Likely Story 2016 208819

file name: John Roshell A Likely Story 2016

file name: Comicraft Man Of Tomorrow 2016 215964

file name: Comicraft Man Of Tomorrow 2016

file name: John Roshell Thrills 2016

file name: John Roshell Thrills 2016b

file name: John Roshell You Blockhead 2009

file name: John Roshell Holy Grail 2016

file name: Comicraft Victory Speech Lower 2016 217010

file name: Comicraft Victory Speech Lower 2016

file name: Comicraft C C Absolutely Fabulous 1999

file name: Comicraft C C Absolutely Fabulous 1999b

file name: Comicraft C C Biff Bam Boom 2005

file name: Comicraft C C Biff Bam Boom 2005a

file name: Comicraft C C Chills Whispers

file name: Comicraft C C Flame On Nova 1997

file name: Comicraft C C Long Underwear 2009

file name: Comicraft C C Meldown 1997

file name: Comicraft C C Up Up And Away

file name: Comicraft C C Up Up And Away

file name: Comicraft Frostbite 1997

file name: Comicraft Splashdown

file name: Comicraft Stonehenge Runes

file name: Jeffery Scott Campbell John Roshell J. Scott Campbell Lower 2015 196624

file name: Jeffery Scott Campbell John Roshell J. Scott Campbell Lower 2015

file name: Jeffery Scott Campbell Danger Girl 2000

file name: Comicraft Pixel Arcade 2016

file name: Comicraft Questionable Things 2016

file name: Comicraft Schadenfreude 2016 204603

file name: Comicraft Schadenfreude 2016

file name: Comicraft The Story Begins Ends 2016 204609

file name: Comicraft The Story Begins Ends 2016

file name: Comicraft Vengeance Is Mine 2016 204616

file name: Comicraft Vengeance Is Mine 2016

file name: Comicraft Victory Speech 2016 204598

file name: Comicraft Victory Speech 2016

file name: Jeffery Scott Campbell J Scott Campbell 2004

file name: John Roshell Temporal Shiftand Temporal Gap 2015

file name: John Roshell Temporal Shiftand Temporal Gap Compressed 2015 196630

file name: John Roshell Temporal Shiftand Temporal Gap Compressed 2015

file name: John Roshell Temporal Shiftand Temporal Gap Expanded 2015

file name: John Roshell Graveyard Smash Coffin 2015

file name: John Roshell Geek Speak 2012

file name: John Roshell High Jinks 2014

file name: John Roshell Highjinkies 2014

file name: John Roshell Highjinkies 2014b

file name: John Roshell Hypnotique 2015

file name: John Roshell Pleasure Point 2014

file name: John Roshell Pleasure Point 2014b

file name: Comicraft Stormtrooper 1997

file name: Comicraft Stormtrooper 1997b

file name: Comicraft Stormtrooper 1997c

file name: John Roshell Mega City 2013

file name: John Roshell Mega City Downtown Heavy 2013

file name: John Roshell Mike Kunkel 2014

file name: John Roshell Mike Kunkel 2014b

file name: John Roshell Scott Mc Cloud The Sculptor 2015b

file name: John Roshell Scott Mc Cloud The Sculptor Heavy 2015

file name: John Roshell Maladroit Bold 2015

file name: John Roshell Maladroit Bold 2015b

file name: John Roshell Extra Extra 2015

file name: John Roshell Extra Extra 2015b

file name: John Roshell Extra Extra 2015c

file name: John Roshell Merry Melody 2015

file name: John Roshell Merry Melody 2015b

file name: John Roshell Hero Sandwich Combos 2014

file name: John Roshell Hero Sandwich Meat 2014

file name: John Roshell Monstrosity Hide 2014

file name: John Roshell Resistance Is Lowered 2014

file name: John Roshell Shaky Kane 2014

file name: John Roshell Richard Starkings Samaritan Lower 2015

file name: John Roshell Richard Starkings Samaritan Lower 2015a

file name: John Roshell Richard Starkings Samaritan 2013

file name: John Roshell Richard Starkings Samaritan Tall 2013

file name: John Roshell Richard Starkings Samaritan Tall 2013b

file name: John Roshell Golem 2002

file name: John Roshell Grande Guignol 2003

file name: John Roshell Grande Guignol 2003b

file name: Comicraft C C Stand By4 Action Opposite

file name: John Roshell Soliloquous Bold 2013

file name: John Roshell Lunar 2012

file name: John Roshell Killjoy 2013

file name: John Roshell Killjoy Inline 2013

file name: John Roshell Killswitch 2013

file name: John Roshell Killzone 2013

file name: John Roshell Cool Beans Bold 2013

file name: John Roshell Excalibur Stone Bold 2013

file name: John Roshell Excalibur Sword Bold 2013

file name: John Roshell Legendary Legerdemain Leggy Bold 2013

file name: John Roshell Dash Decent Bold 2011

file name: John Roshell Fancy Pants Schmancy 2011

file name: John Roshell Goth Chic 2011

file name: John Roshell Colleen Doran Colleen Doran 2013

file name: John Roshell Colleen Doran Colleen Doran 2013b

file name: John Roshell Big Top 2011

file name: John Roshell Elephantmen Tall Bold 2010

file name: John Roshell C C Back Beat Light 2010

file name: John Roshell C C Rick Veitch Bold 2010

file name: John Roshell Dave Gibbons Gibbons Gazette 2009

file name: John Roshell Dave Gibbons Gibbons Gazette 2009b

file name: John Roshell Ed Mc Guinness Ed Mc Guinness 2011

file name: John Roshell Ed Mc Guinness Ed Mc Guinness 2011b

file name: John Roshell Ghost Town 2013

file name: John Roshell Ghost Town Barkeep 2013

file name: John Roshell Ghost Town Sheriff 2013

file name: John Roshell Pic

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html