TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Mar 5 11:00:13 EST 2025






David Charles Randolph Rakowski

Type designer and composer, born in St. Albans, VT, in 1958. He was one of the early free/shareware type designers, well-known for creating revivals of 19th century typefaces. He was the Walter W. Naumburg Professor of Composition at Brandeis University, and has previously taught at Harvard University, Columbia University, and Stanford University.

List of Rakowski's fonts: 3-DWedgie, Aarcover, AdineKirnberg-Script, Ann-Stone, Beachman, Beffle (1991, after Fry's Ornamented No. 2 from Stephenson Blake), Bizarro, BrailleFont, BunnyEars, ChristensenCaps, Crackling, DaBigKeyCaps, DavysCrappyWriting, DavysDingbats, DavysKeyCaps, DavysNewOther, DavysOtherDingbats, DavysRibbons, DeBalme Initials, DieterCaps, Diner-Fatt, Diner-Obese, Diner-Regular, Diner-Skinny, Dobkin-Script, Dragonwick, Dubiel (1991), Dupuy-Light, DupuyBALloon, Eileen, EileenCaps, EileensMediumZodiac, Elizabeth-Ann, Elzevier, EraserDust, Firecat, Gallaudet (a sign language font), Garton (1993), Gessele-Script, GriffinOne, Harting (an old typewriter font), Headhunter, Holtzschue, Horst, Ian-Bent, Jeff-Nichols, Jumble, Kinigstein, Konanur, KoshgarianLight, Kramer, Lassus (1993), LeeCaps, Lemiesz (a free version of Publicity Gothic, 1916), Lilith-Heavy, Lilith-Initals, Lilith-Light, Lintsec, Logger, LowerEastSide, McGarey-Fractured, Multiform, Nauert, NixonInChina (oriental simulation), ParisMetro, Pixie, Pointage, Polo, Rechtman-Script, ReliefDeco, ReliefInReverse, Reynolds, Rockmaker, Rothman [note: poster by Lauren Buroker], Rounded, Rudelsberg (a Munch Jugendstil style font), Salter, Shotling, Showboat, Shrapnel, Starburst, TejaratchiCaps, TenderleafCaps, ToneAndDebs, Tribeca, Uechi, UpperEastSide (1990), UpperWestSide (lettering from the New Yorker magazine), VarahCaps, Wedgie, Wharmby, WhatA-Relief, Will-Harris, Zaleski, and Zallman-Caps.

Some downloads: Uechi, Rothman, Tejaratchi, Eileen Caps and Elzevier Caps, Paris Metro, Davy's Dingbats (see also here).

With Klaus Herrmann, of Intecsas in Düsseldorf, he started updating his fonts from 1992-1999. Those fonts can be bought at Will-Harris.

Here is an interview with David.

Download 120 of his fonts here.

And finally, a text file with the names of most of his fonts.

Mark Johansson explains the history of Rakowski's fonts. Dafont link. MyFonts page. Abstract Fonts link. Font Squirrel link. Fontspace link. Klingspor link.

David Charles Randolph Rakowski
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Font names/aliases ⦿ Braille typefaces ⦿ Astrological (or Zodiac) fonts ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Ornamental caps typefaces ⦿ Oriental simulation fonts ⦿ Western fonts ⦿ Easter fonts ⦿ Type scene in Vermont ⦿ Art Nouveau typefaces ⦿ Type scene in Massachusetts ⦿ Typewriter fonts ⦿ Elzevir ⦿ Sign language fonts ⦿

file name: David Rakowski Pic

file name: David Rakowski Pic

file name: David Rakowski Beffle 1991 after Stephenson Blake Frys Ornamented No2

file name: David Rakowski Beffle 1991

file name: D Rakowski Lassus 1993

file name: David Rakowski Dubiel

file name: David Rakowski Garton 1993

file name: David Rakowski Kramer

file name: David Rakowski Rothman Plain Poster by Lauren Buroker

file name: David Rakowski Upper East Side 1990d

file name: David Rakowski Upper Eastside

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html