TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:15:49 EDT 2025






Life Without Taffy (was: Spork Thug Typography) [Josh Wilhelm]

Josh Wilhelm is an artist, musician and comedian who lives in Florida. It is possible that he also is a reverend. His original type designs were presented at Spork Thug Typography. Some time before 2010, he moved to Life Without Taffy. The fonts: A-Damn-Mess, Adrenochrome, Airwalker, AirwalkerOutline, Aneurysm, AnotherMorningStoner, Antioch, AntiochBitchslap, AphidManureHeist, Apocalypshit, AshleysWriting, Askew, AssholeBasicSansSerif, AstroCreep2, Atomic-Toothpaste, BackSplatter-DrippyPS, BallTongue, BallTonguePreview, Bandnames, Bandnames2, BeerGoggles, Belching-Up-Salisbury-Steak, Betsy, BilBurr, Black-Sunshine, BloodyShrapnel, Bogusflow, BollWeevil, Bootyneck, BotchedVasectomy, Bowel-Trouble, Brackish, Bunfuzzled, Bunker, Buscemi, Cactus-Love (Mexican simulation face), CaffeineFreeDietPorkSoda, CamelWalk, Captain-Shiner, Cardboard-Love-2, Cardboard-Love, CardboardLove, CarsickTimes, Cheap-Ass-Phaser, Clunk, Configuration9, Corinne, Cracked-Dendrite, Craptacular, CrystalGypsy, Cut-It-Out, Cyanide-Breathmint, DawnOfTheDead, Dead-Ewoks-Everywhere, DeadAlive, Denrito (2001), Derelict, DietPorkSoda, Dispepsi, Divine, Dollar-Store-Stencil, Donald, Downer, Drew, Dumpster-Diver, EatMoreGravel, Eeviac, EeviacBold, EeviacOutline, ElScorcho, Electronic-Cobbler, Elser, Eulogy, Evil-Dead, Fifty, Fildnik, Fingered, Fisticuffs, Flamer, FlutingOnTheHump, FrailLimbNursery, FreakingStars, Fridge-Magnets, FrostbittenWanker, Future-Boxes, FuturexSchizmatic, GeorgeWBushIsACokehead, GlassSandwich, GoldenShowers, Gubernaculum, Hallisey, Handyman's-Special, HappyHero, Hellacious-Migraine, Hendershot, HotwaxResidue, Human-Brown-Eye, Humpbunny, InterstellarHarddrive, Invaders, InvadersPartTwo, InvadersPartTwoOutline, Johnny-Bracket, Josh-Is-Tipsy, JoshIsStoned, JoshSober, Juggalo, JuggaloWarped, Kagan, Kalamazoo, Lacquerhead, Lanky-Bastard, Lebowski, Lego-Maniac, Lhyrma, Lickspittle, Lithium, Little-Tubby-Jesus, LoungeAct, LoungeActOutline, MagnaCumNada, MaximumRadiationLevel, MaximumRadiationLevelOutline, Miasma, Minus, MirandaWrites, MissKatie, Mister-Haddaris, MoFo, MollyRingworm, Mope, MopeOutline, Mrnikas, Mudshovel, Muffy, Mump, MusickThief, MusickThiefTwo, Mustachio, MustyPrivates, MyPromiscuousDaughter, MyPromiscuousDaughterOutline, MyPromiscuousDaughterSquat, Necrosis, Nerdball, Nobody-Loves-Me, Nonsense, NovaCane, One-Lousy-Bottom, OneLeggedDonkey, Overactive-Bladder, Oxalic, Paralacrimation, Pink-Noise, Pio, Pio, Poltergeist, PoltergeistHollow, PoltergeistShuffled, PoltergeistThick, Poop, Pork-Soda, Praise-'Bob', Praise-'Bob', Protonic-Feelers, Pudmonkey-RegularPS, PudmonkeyShrapnelFree, PudmonkeyTwo, Punched-Stub, QuarterOzToFreedom, Queasy, Quite-Blunt, REVEREND-JOSH, Rachel, RangDang, RedneckZombies, Rhoda-Dendron, SassmouthSkinny, SassmouthThick, SelfMutilation, ShotgunBlast, ShotgunBlastMadThick, ShotgunBlastThick, Single-Stroke, Sissyneck, SissyneckOutline, SixtyPercentLessSassmouth, Sloopy, Snafu, SnootchieBootchies, SnootchieBootchiesBold, SnootchieBootchiesItalic, SnootchieBootchiesOutline, Some-Boxes, SonofX51, SoulManure-NormaLPS, SoulManure2, SoulManureOutline, SpaceLord, SpaceLordOutline, SpankThru, SpankThruBold, SporkThug, Sporkbats-Two, Sporkbats, Sporkbats3, Stamper, Stickons-Two, Stitch, StunOperator, SuckyDigital, SuitePee, Takeout, Tanklason, Target-Practice, Teardrop, Terminus, TexasJigsawMassacre, Thirty-Seven, TongueOfColicab, Turnaround, Ubiqita_Europa, Undertow, Uppity, Uppity2, Uppity3, Uppity4, VenerealStrobeEffect, VenerealStrobeEffectItalic, VenerealStrobeEffectStroked, VeryAssy, Vibrato, VibratoHollow, Vic-Twenty, Vinyl-Stickons, Wadlow, WadlowsSon, WaitAndBleed, Wireframe-Davenport, X51Outline, Xanthisma, Xanthisma, XitRAM!, Yonkerismo, Zaboodla, ZaboodlaThin.

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Life Without Taffy (was: Spork Thug Typography)
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Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Oriental simulation fonts ⦿ Western fonts ⦿ Stencil fonts ⦿ Typefaces for stitching ⦿ Mexican simulation typefaces ⦿ Type scene in Florida ⦿

file name: Josh Wilhelm Apocalypshit 2001

file name: Josh Wilhelm Cactus Love 1999

file name: Josh Wilhelm Josh Wilhelm Adrenochrome 2010

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html