Nick Curtis: blackletter typefaces
[Nick Curtis]
Among the few blackletter typefaces in Nick Curtis's repertoire, we find - Boston Blackie NF (2004). A blackletter typeface from the 1832 catalog of the Boston Type Foundry.
- Fordor Incised NF (2005). An enhancement of the blackletter typeface Tudor Black.
- Fyne Fish NF (2009). A blackletter typeface based on a cover done by Will Bradley in 1894 for Inland Printer.
- HerzogVonGraf (free).
- Kynges X NF (2004). A a blackletter face inspired by the 1938 classic, Letters and Lettering by Paul Carlyle and Guy Oring.
- MaterhornNF (free).
- McKellar Borussian NF (2009). A blackletter based on Borussian, McKellar, Smiths and Jordan, 1882.
- Posh Soiree NF (2006). A blackletter from the 1923 ATF specimen book, where it is called Engravers Text.
- Tulpe Fraktur NF (2006). A wonderful blackletter found by Curtis in a 1927 German sign painter mag.
- Xanthippe NF (2006). An "exuberant" blackletter typeface based on a design by Ross George in his Speedball Text Book.
Nick Curtis: blackletter typefaces
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