TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:16:00 EDT 2025






ShyFoundry (was: ShyFonts) [Derek Vogelpohl]

ShyFoundry (formerly ShyFonts Type Foundry), located in Elkhorn, NE, was founded in 1995 by Derek Vogelpohl (b. Phoenix, AZ, 1971), whose (often techno) fonts used to be free. His original free font site closed down in February 2001. The fonts were thereafter available at CybaPee's site. Fontspace link.

Derek briefly joined ApostrophicLabs in March 2001. His first font there is Phosphorus. In 2001, he created the beautiful Plasmatica family, PhosphorusII, Avondale (a great display family), and the large Covington text family, which is also available now for the Tex community. Dafont link.

In 2008, he took his operation to MyFonts. Each type family comes in 8 to 12 styles.

  • His old free font list: AlienEncounters, ArcheryBlack, AftershockDebris, AlienEncounters, AmericanaDreams, SF DigitalReadout [1999; in 2009, a commercial version, SF Digital Readout Pro appeared], DistantGalaxy, GrooveMachine, HollywoodHills (octagonal, like wood type), MoviePoster, OuterLimits, PlanetaryOrbiter, SFAtarianSystem, SFBigWhiskey, SFCosmicAge, SFFortuneWheel, SFGothican, SF Junk Culture, SFJuggernaut, SFNewRepublic, SFOldRepublic, SFSportsNight, SFSquareHead, SFTattleTales, SFTechnodelight, SF Viper Squadron (1999), SFZeroGravity, SFCollegiate, SFMoviePoster, SolarSailer, StarDust, Telegraphic, ViperSquadron, SF IronSides, SF GrooveMachine, SF TransRobotics, SF Balloons, SF Intellivised, SF Obliquities, SF Willamette, ActionMan, Arborcrest, Automaton, Buttercup, ChromeFenders, SF Espionage, SF Square Head Pro (2009, with Roger S. Nelsson at CheapProFonts), SF Square Root, EccentricOpus, GrungeSans, Intermosaic (pixel family), Intoxicated, IronGothic, Laundromatic, Quartzite, SlapstickComic (comic book font family), SynthonicPop, SF Wasabi (oriental simulation), TheraminGothic, Ferretopia, Toontime, Retroesque, Chaerilidae, Gushing Meadow (dripping blood family), Shai Fontai, Retro Splice.
  • Free fonts made in 2008: SF Fourche, SF Florencesans (a huge family), SF Plasmatica, SF Slapstick Comic, SF Speedywaystar.
  • Commercial fonts: SF Groove Machine Pro, SF Quartzite Pro, SF Animatron (2008, a redesign of the techno family SF TransRobotics), SF Tekamah (2008, futuristic), SF Portabello (2008, bold and edgy headline family), SF Hallucination, SF Hypocrisy (2009, simple sans), SF Pale Bottom (2009), SF Outer Limits (2009), SF Orson Casua (2009), SF Old Republic (2009), SF Obliquities (2009), SF New Republic (2009), SF Movie Poster (2009), SF Minced Meat (2009), SF Chrome Fenders (2009), SF Eccentric Opus (2009), SF Buttacup (2009), SF Chaerilidae (2009), SF Covington (2009), SF Espionage (2009), SF Deco Techno (2009), SF Baroquesque (2009), SF Ferretopia (2009), SF Chromium 24 (2009), SF Avondale (2009), SF Electrotome (2009), SF Cosmic Age (2009), SF Hallucination (2009), SF Florencesans (2009), SF Zimmerman (2009, hand-printed).

ShyFoundry (was: ShyFonts)
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Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Sci-Fi fonts ⦿ Comic/cartoon fonts ⦿ Oriental simulation fonts ⦿ Type scene in Nebraska ⦿ Type scene in Arizona ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Pixel/bitmap fonts ⦿ Horror fonts ⦿ Octagonal typefaces ⦿ Wood Type ⦿ LED / LCD fonts ⦿ Mosaic typefaces ⦿

file name: Derek Vogelpohl Digital Readout 1999

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html