TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:16:08 EDT 2025







Japanese company famous for its printers and other technical devices. It published some typefaces for Japanese, but seems to have stopped the active production of fonts.

Some Ricoh fonts can be found on the web with free downloads. For example, Fontchu carries HGMaruGothicMPRO (2002) and HGSeikaishotaiPRO (2002), as well as HGSGothicE (1997), HGPSoeiKakugothicUB (1997), HGSoeiPresenceE (1997) and HGSoeiKakupoptaiHeavy (1997).

Commercial fonts include HG Heisei Minchotai, HG Hagoromo, HG Gothic, HG Gothic PRO, HG Gyoshotai, HG Kyokashotai, HG Marugothic PRO, HG Marugothic, HG Mincho PRO, HG Mincho, HG Reithic, HG Seikaishotai PRO, HG Soei Kakugothic, HG Soei Kakupoptai, HG Soei Presence.

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Type design in Japan ⦿

file name: Ricoh H G Gothic 2018 277564

file name: Ricoh H G Gothic 2018 277565

file name: Ricoh H G Gothic 2018 277566 002

file name: Ricoh H G Gothic 2018

file name: Ricoh H G Gothic P R O 2018 277660

file name: Ricoh H G Gothic P R O 2018 277661

file name: Ricoh H G Gothic P R O 2018 277662

file name: Ricoh H G Gothic P R O 2018

file name: Ricoh H G Heisei Minchotai 2018 276224

file name: Ricoh H G Heisei Minchotai 2018 276225 002

file name: Ricoh H G Heisei Minchotai 2018 276226 002

file name: Ricoh H G Heisei Minchotai 2018

file name: Ricoh H G Gyoshotai 2018 277664 002

file name: Ricoh H G Gyoshotai 2018 277665

file name: Ricoh H G Gyoshotai 2018 277666

file name: Ricoh H G Gyoshotai 2018

file name: Ricoh H G Hagoromo 2018 277568

file name: Ricoh H G Hagoromo 2018 277569 002

file name: Ricoh H G Hagoromo 2018 277570

file name: Ricoh H G Hagoromo 2018

file name: Ricoh H G Kyokashotai 2018 277656 002

file name: Ricoh H G Kyokashotai 2018 277657 002

file name: Ricoh H G Kyokashotai 2018 277658 002

file name: Ricoh H G Kyokashotai 2018

file name: Ricoh H G Marugothic 2018 277605

file name: Ricoh H G Marugothic 2018 277606 002

file name: Ricoh H G Marugothic 2018 277607 002

file name: Ricoh H G Marugothic 2018

file name: Ricoh H G Marugothic P R O 2018 277668

file name: Ricoh H G Marugothic P R O 2018 277669

file name: Ricoh H G Marugothic P R O 2018 277670

file name: Ricoh H G Marugothic P R O 2018

file name: Ricoh H G Mincho 2018 277560 002

file name: Ricoh H G Mincho 2018 277561

file name: Ricoh H G Mincho 2018 277562

file name: Ricoh H G Mincho 2018

file name: Ricoh H G Mincho P R O 2018 277703

file name: Ricoh H G Mincho P R O 2018 277704 002

file name: Ricoh H G Mincho P R O 2018 277705 002

file name: Ricoh H G Mincho P R O 2018

file name: Ricoh H G Reithic 2018 277672 002

file name: Ricoh H G Reithic 2018 277673

file name: Ricoh H G Reithic 2018 277674

file name: Ricoh H G Reithic 2018

file name: Ricoh H G Seikaishotai P R O 2018 277676

file name: Ricoh H G Seikaishotai P R O 2018 277677

file name: Ricoh H G Seikaishotai P R O 2018 277678

file name: Ricoh H G Seikaishotai P R O 2018

file name: Ricoh H G Soei Kakugothic 2018 277609 002

file name: Ricoh H G Soei Kakugothic 2018

file name: Ricoh H G Soei Kakupoptai 2018 277613

file name: Ricoh H G Soei Kakupoptai 2018 277614

file name: Ricoh H G Soei Kakupoptai 2018 277615 002

file name: Ricoh H G Soei Kakupoptai 2018

file name: Ricoh H G Soei Presence 2018 277680 002

file name: Ricoh H G Soei Presence 2018 277681

file name: Ricoh H G Soei Presence 2018 277682

file name: Ricoh H G Soei Presence 2018

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html